Why Today is the Best Time to Prioritize Your Health

October 7, 2024

Why Today is the Best Time to Prioritize Your Health

There’s an old saying: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.” So, what does that have to do with your health? Well, it means that no matter how long you've been thinking about making a change, today is the perfect time to start.

Many of us put off taking care of ourselves, thinking we’ll start next week, next year, or after the holidays. But here’s the truth—if you want to be able to move with ease, climb stairs without huffing and puffing, or get up off the floor without groaning in a few years, today is the day to begin making those changes. Not tomorrow. Not January 1st. Not after the holiday season. Today.

Small Changes Lead to Big Results

Here's the good news: You don’t have to overhaul your life with dramatic shifts to see meaningful improvements. In fact, drastic changes can often backfire and aren’t sustainable. Instead, it’s about making small, incremental changes—1% at a time—that can seamlessly become part of your lifestyle.

These tiny steps might seem insignificant at first, but over time, they build up. You’ll wake up one day and notice: Hey, I’ve got more energy. I’m sleeping better. I feel stronger in my body. My clothes fit better. I can climb stairs or play pickleball without feeling worn out!



That’s the magic of consistent, gradual changes. They don’t feel like a chore. They’re just an evolution into a healthier, happier version of the incredible person you already are.

How I Coach (and How I Help Others Coach)

When I work with clients (and when I train health pros to work with their clients), it’s never about extreme diets or intense changes. Instead, the focus is on guiding people through small, meaningful adjustments to their daily habits. These changes aren’t about perfection—they're about progress. And over time, they lead to better sleep, more energy, and the ability to enjoy life more fully.

It’s not about the number on the scale—it’s about what you can do when you feel better, move better, and have more energy. Whether it’s hiking, chasing after your kids, or simply enjoying life with less stress and more joy, the goal is to live a life that feels good to you.

Ready to Make a Change?

If you’ve been thinking about starting your health journey, I have some exciting news. I’m opening my schedule to two more private clients. If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, let’s chat!

And if I get enough interest, I’ll be launching a group coaching program through the holiday season. We’ll meet weekly on Zoom, and we’ll have a WhatsApp group for ongoing support. The goal? To help you not just survive but thrive during the holidays and come out on the other side feeling better than you do today.

For My Fellow Fit Pros and Health Coaches

If you’re a fitness or health coach and want to help your clients do the same, let’s collaborate! I’m passionate about working together to move away from diet culture and guide the next generation toward a healthier mindset. Let’s make sure our kids don’t grow up having the same conversations about diets that we did.

As always, my hope for you is to live a life you love without sacrificing the things that bring you joy.