Mainstream Biohacking: Tips for Healthy Travel

May 30, 2024

Mainstream Biohacking: Tips for Healthy Travel

When you hear the term "biohacking," what comes to mind? 

Perhaps visions of an elite group of individuals customizing their DNA to live forever? 

While that might be an extreme interpretation, there's a more practical side to biohacking that I call "mainstream biohacking." 

It's about using accessible tools and strategies to optimize our health and well-being, especially when doing things like traveling to unfamiliar destinations.

As someone who travels frequently, I understand the importance of staying healthy, happy, and safe while on the go. With a trip to India on the horizon, I've been researching and implementing various biohacking techniques to protect my gut and overall well-being. 

Here are a few strategies I'm incorporating into my travel routine:

1. Grayl Water Bottle

One of the most intimidating aspects of traveling to new places is the uncertainty surrounding water quality. In India, for example, the natural bacteria in the water can be very different from what I'm accustomed to in New England.


To ensure I stay hydrated without risking illness, I purchased a Grayl water bottle. Equipped with a built-in filter, this bottle removes particles, sediments, and bacteria, allowing me to safely drink water without worrying about getting “traveler’s belly”.

2. Stemregen Supplement

Maintaining optimal health while traveling isn't just about avoiding stomach bugs—it's also about supporting your body's natural repair systems. That's where Stemregen comes in. This supplement activates the stem cell system, increasing the number of stem cells in the bloodstream. These cells play a crucial role in repairing and rejuvenating tissues, which can be especially beneficial when facing challenges like jet lag or dietary changes.

3. PFC-Friendly Snacks

Eating well on the road can be a challenge, but I refuse to compromise on nutrition, even when traveling. That's why I always pack plenty of PFC (Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate) friendly snacks to keep me fueled and satisfied throughout the journey. Daryl's Bars, made with high-quality ingredients and perfectly balanced PFC macros, are a staple in my travel arsenal. They're delicious, nutritious, and easy to pack, ensuring I have healthy options wherever my adventures take me.

4. Eye Mask and meditation app

Getting a great night’s sleep can be challenging when your time zone is shifted, so I always travel with a light-blocking eye mask. If I’m traveling by myself, I use one with earth magnets in it, to help reduce inflammation. If I’m sharing a room with someone, I use an eye mask with built-in ear buds so that I can listen to my nightly meditation without disturbing my roommate. Getting good sleep is arguably the most important hack for staying healthy while traveling.

By incorporating these biohacking strategies into my travel routine, I'm able to navigate new environments with confidence and enjoy every moment of my journey. Whether I'm exploring the Taj Mahal or heading to the pickleball court, prioritizing my health allows me to fully immerse myself in the experience.

I encourage you to consider how you can integrate biohacking principles into your own travel plans. 

Whether it's investing in a quality water bottle, supplementing strategically, or packing nutritious snacks, small adjustments can make a big difference in how you feel on the road.

As always, I'm here to support you on your wellness journey. If you have any questions or need advice on preparing for your next trip, don't hesitate to reach out. 

Safe travels, and may you live a life filled with joy, nourishment, and adventure!