Balancing Business Trips with Health and Joy

July 24, 2024

Balancing Business Trips with Health and Joy

How many of you have had a business trip planned and assumed you would be stuck in a meeting room? Eating cardboard food, not being able to do anything that's part of your normal routine—none of things that are good for you, make you feel better, and bring you joy. Well, let me share with you how I try to not do that and, in fact, do the opposite when I'm traveling.

Finding Joy on the Road

Recently, I was traveling for a conference in Northern California. While it was great to see everyone and have those important discussions, I made sure to plan some fun and nourishing activities. Knowing that I was going to be in wine country, I planned a visit to my favorite winery. As luck would have it, they were hosting a fantastic event on Saturday, so I extended my trip a bit to attend. Having something to look forward to at the end of the week was a great motivator.

Staying Healthy on the Go

The first day I arrived, I made a beeline to the local Whole Foods (pick your preferred store). I stocked up on bottles of water, fresh fruits, and snacks that I could stash in the mini-fridge. This ensured I had the ingredients for a PFC3 snack (protein, fat, and carbs) at the end of each day. Going to bed with stable blood sugar meant I woke up feeling great and ready for the next day.


Balancing Workouts and Rest

Balancing work and wellness on a trip can be tricky. With early morning meetings and long days, I had to choose between extra sleep or a morning workout. I found a balance by splitting my time: some days I hit the gym early and felt fantastic, while on other days, I opted for a bit more sleep, did some stretching, and went straight to my meetings. It's always about finding the right balance.

Embracing Spontaneity

Sometimes, unplanned opportunities can be the highlight of your trip. While in California, we discovered that the Rolling Stones were performing nearby. We scored last-minute tickets and caught the last 45 minutes of their show. It was an epic, unforgettable experience—definitely a story for the ages!

Integrating Joy into Life

These experiences are what I help my clients with, teaching them to integrate PFC3 meals, movement, and joy into their lives. If you are “in the biz”, and interested in doing this for your clients, check out the Workplace Wellness section on my website. You can also join my next workshop at the end of August or schedule a quick call to learn more.

As always, my goal is for you to live a life you love without being hungry, feeling deprived, or giving up the things that bring you joy.