What’s in Your Protein Powder?

February 7, 2022

What’s in Your Protein Powder?

The first step to living a healthy lifestyle is putting good food into our bodies–depriving yourself or restricting your eating will never get you to your goals. I’ve personally been on a little bit of a protein kick recently because I’m looking to build up my strength. I’ve been putting together lots of protein-packed parfaits that I’m loving, so today, I want to share what’s in that dish, why protein is so good for you, and the importance of understanding the ingredients in our food. 

Besides the fact that it’s delicious, the best part of this meal is that the whole thing takes less than five minutes, and I’m all about quick meals that work with my busy lifestyle! I start with a base of non-dairy yogurt (you can use Greek yogurt too), and I add a scoop of my favorite protein powder. I add in granola, and some fresh berries if they are in season, and top it off with a pouch of Kyani Sunrise which gives me a boost so that I can get in all my fruits and veggies each day. This parfait is so delicious, with real vanilla from the yogurt, a berry-filled flavor thanks to the Kyani, and a nice crunch that adds to the texture of the meal!

A good protein, fat, and carb balance will keep you satisfied until your next meal and mindless eating, but it’s also important to know what ingredients are in those “healthy” foods we pick up at the grocery store. I’ve noticed that some yogurts list “natural flavor” instead of real vanilla on their label, but when I learned what that flavoring could be, I was disgusted! Go ahead and Google it, and leave a “yuck!” in the comments if you agree. 

What we put into our bodies will reflect what we get out of our bodies. 

It’s so important to read the labels on what you pick up at the grocery store and understand what you’re reading.  Whether it’s a masked ingredient like “natural” vanilla flavoring, or just an ingredient that’s actually a code word for sugar, there are a lot of words on a nutrition label, and you’re probably not familiar with all of them. Taking the time to research what you consume is so worth it–you deserve the power to decide what goes into your body!

If you’re interested in learning more about my favorite protein powder, drop a comment below! Everyone in my family drinks this, and we’ve noticed such a difference in our digestion and how satisfied we’re feeling. 

Do you have a protein powder you love, or would you like a little direction finding the right option for you? Let me know in the comments, and I would love to help you out!

If you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with great discussion!