What does it really mean to live with food freedom?

March 20, 2023

What does it really mean to live with food freedom?

What does it really mean to live with food freedom?

It means enjoying your food and travel while still feeding your body and brain with the right nutrients. I live with Food Freedom. I absolutely enjoy my food. I enjoy my travels. And I feed my body and brain what it needs to be healthy for a long time to come. 


Feeding yourself with delicious, balanced meals consisting of protein, fat, and carbs ensures your brain functions optimally, and your body has all the energy it needs. 


I just got back from an amazing trip to the Bahamas and I had the best time enjoying all that traveling has to offer, food included. 


Does that mean that I sat around and drank margaritas and dipped oreos into chocolate ice cream everyday? No.


Why? Because although that may (or may not) feed my soul, it doesn’t feed my body or brain.


Feeding your body and your brain means fueling yourself with great food that’s delicious AND with a balance of proteins, fats and carbs. So your brain functions the way you need it to.


You sleep well, your body has all the energy it needs and you get to have fun, whether that is playing volleyball all day (we did that) or sprinting up the stairs to the waterslides. I never give up the things that I love, I have balance. And that's the key to living a life you love without feeling deprived or hungry.


But it's not just about eating pizza and cookies all day long. It's about finding balance and eating the things that serve your body and have great flavors and the nutrition that serve your body. And because of that they will bring you joy.


So, if you have questions or want to dive right in, let me know! You can even jump into our 28-day jumpstart program or grab a free call with me to get yourself moving in the right direction toward food freedom. Feeding your body, your brain and your soul.


Because as I always say, I want you to live a life that you love without being hungry and being deprived, and if you’re like me, also without giving up your glass of wine at dinner.