Traveling With a Plan: My Tips for Staying Healthy While You Travel

October 24, 2022

Traveling With a Plan: My Tips for Staying Healthy While You Travel

I'm spending the week in Europe, and I’m so excited to be back to traveling internationally! My traveling season is officially in full swing, and that’s got me thinking about how we can all enjoy our travels without letting our goals stand on the sidelines. 

Today, I want to share with you my tips for traveling without ditching your goals. 

  1. Don’t skimp on breakfast. 

An early flight can mean picking up greasy airport food or skipping breakfast altogether, but it doesn’t have to! I knew that I wouldn’t have time to cook before braving airport security lines, so I used one of my go-to tips: making and taking a shake to-go. Having a shake ready to go the night before makes early mornings so much easier, and I stay energized as I begin my airport journey.

  1. Pack plenty of snacks for the trip.

You may or may not be able to snag a bag of pretzels and cup of water on your flight, so plan to bring your own snacks for the journey, as well. You can’t bring liquids through security lines, but you definitely can bring your shake powder, and it’s easy to pick up a water bottle once you’re through security (and lots of airports have bottle refilling stations now too, so always bring a refillable bottle too). Shakes make the perfect airport PFC meal because they’re so easy to transport. Cut vegetables and a good portable protein source are also great things to have on hand for your travels to keep you full all day.

Being hangry while traveling is never a good mix, so don’t skip meals just because you’re short on time.  Your body needs the fuel!

3. Expect success and be consistent. 

Vacation doesn’t have to mean lounging around all day or eating every treat in sight. You can have a healthy vacation if you want to! Plan to get movement during your trip by walking to see sights rather than taking transportation, and try to prioritize finding a balance of proteins, fats, and carbs for most, if not all, of your meals. You can still enjoy local cuisine, but skipping thefast food and eating balanced meals will help you enjoy your vacation anymore because you won’t deal with unwanted bloating or that general feeling of yuckiness. 

You shouldn’t feel like you have to skip out on the fun while traveling just because you’re choosing to take the healthy path, and making good, balanced choices along the way will help you feel your best as you travel. 


Do you have any travel planned for the coming weeks? Let me know in the comments!

And if you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with yummy discussion!