Travel With Food Freedom

January 30, 2023

Travel With Food Freedom

Seeing the world is one of my very favorite things, so I was really excited to visit Tokyo recently. We had an amazing time, and I loved getting to explore a new culture. 

When I travel, I love trying as many new foods as possible. Tokyo is super PFC3 friendly, and I was really excited about that too! They had great options for beef, sushi, and vegetables, and rice at every meal–even breakfast!

We ate out a lot, and one of my favorite experiences was a chef’s table where there was no menu! The chef chose ten small courses to share with us, including tuna ribs, beef, and sashimi. What I noticed was that the portions were all normal, realistic portions, and the food was already a really healthy blend without too much work on my part. 

While it was great diving into a culture that makes it so easy to eat PFC, I am also happy to make these adjustments on my own when I travel. I always try everything I can when enjoying new cuisines, and I also make mindful decisions that allow me to try everything without feeling bloated or sluggish during my adventures. 

With PFC3, I can enjoy the best of both worlds–great food and great fun without feeling yucky after meals. I enjoy a blend of proteins, fats, and carbs in every meal and snack, and that leaves me feeling full and satisfied, and I’m getting the nutrition that my body needs. 

PFC3 makes healthy travel easier for me because I don’t restrict or miss out–I enjoy a little bit of everything!


Where are you traveling in 2023? Let me know in the comments!


Don’t miss your chance to join us in March at our very last Perfect Pairings event as we cook up a delicious and healthy meal. Get your ticket right here!