Travel Adventures: Taking Care of Yourself

February 14, 2024

Travel Adventures: Taking Care of Yourself

Picture this: a whirlwind week filled with non-stop action, late nights, and endless to-do lists. Sound familiar? Well, that was me. And let me tell you, it caught up with me in a big way.

After a grueling 20-hour flight back home, I found myself battling a nasty cold and a stubborn cough. My voice? Almost completely MIA. Talk about a reality check! 

Forced to surrender to my body's needs, I spent a day planted on the couch, grappling with jet lag, brain fog, and all the rest of the ick.

It took a good five days before I started feeling like myself again. Was it worth it? That's debatable. But one thing's for sure: losing precious time to illness isn't my idea of a good time. And that's why this week’s blog is so important.

You see, self-care isn't just about bubble baths and scented candles (though those are lovely too!). It's about giving your body and mind the TLC they deserve so you can keep doing all the things you love. Whether it's traveling around the world, caring for your family, or simply enjoying life's little pleasures, they all matter! During my voiceless hiatus, I realized just how much I missed simple pleasures like chatting with my kiddo or indulging in a leisurely conversation. And let me tell you, it wasn't fun being sidelined by a coughing fit every few minutes! But with time and rest, I'm reclaiming my voice.

So, here's my advice to all of you wonderful souls out there: find balance. Whether it's what you put on your plate, how you move your body, or how you care for yourself, balance is key. Sure, I nailed the exercise part with my daily 5 to 7-mile walks, but I definitely skimped on the rest and recharge department.

Let's make a promise to ourselves to prioritize self-care, not just during vacations or downtime, but in every aspect of our lives. Whether you're juggling work, family, or personal goals, remember to carve out time for rest and rejuvenation. Trust me, your future self will thank you for it.