The Importance of Preparation: My Journey to India

June 11, 2024

The Importance of Preparation: My Journey to India

This past month, I've been sharing all about preparing for my trip to India. If you’ve been following along, it might have seemed like I was going a bit overboard with all the planning and packing. 

But now that I’m finally here in India, I can tell you—it was all worth it.

India is unlike any place I’ve ever been. Usually, when I travel to Europe or within the US, the airports and surroundings feel quite familiar. There’s always a Starbucks or some other recognizable chain. But here, in India, it’s a whole new world.  It is filled with an array of exotic foods and vibrant local experiences.

The moment I landed, I realized how different everything is here. I haven't seen a single Starbucks or any familiar chains (though I’ve been told they are here, lol).

Instead, I've been immersed in a world of unique and delicious foods, many of which I didn't capture in photos because I was too busy savoring them. The highlight of my trip so far is the sunrise tour of the Taj Mahal. With all my prep, I’m ready for everything. Snacks, water, and climate-appropriate clothing—all set!

Adjusting to the local environment has been part of the adventure. Yes, it’s hot here in Delhi, but the hotel’s gym and spa are perfect for cooling off. Plus, I’m in good company, making the experience even better.


So, was it worth all the time and effort that I put into preparation? 

So that I can just immerse myself and enjoy? I will say yes. 

Being able to be in the moment without worrying about, "Do I have any local cash? Do I have water that I can drink? Do I have snacks?" is gold. 

It's just worth everything so that I can be fully present and enjoy all the things that we're doing here.

The streets here are fascinating—cows walking along with the cars, people riding bicycles, and pedestrians crossing along the way. Everyone seems to do this dance safely and in good nature. 

Everyone's just trying to work together to get where they're going. That is super refreshing after my last trip to New York City, where that was not the case.

Different experiences make the world go round, making us more empathetic and knowledgeable.

I can’t wait to share the rest of the fun stuff from my trip.

But for now, let’s take away this piece: the planning and systems you put in place absolutely matter.

My challenge to you: What can you systematize in your daily routine to be more present for the things that bring you joy?

As always, I hope you live a life you love without feeling hungry, deprived, or giving up what brings you joy.