How to Make Spontaneous Eating Out Healthy AND Fun

September 6, 2022

How to Make Spontaneous Eating Out Healthy AND Fun

Do you ever have nights when you open the fridge to find that nothing piques your interest? Or when you really need to go to the grocery store, but just can’t muster the energy to get it done? I know I do, and on nights when I’m feeling too lazy to cook, I find a local restaurant and call it a night out. 

It's one thing to eat out when you’re celebrating, so you’ve planned for it. Eating out spontaneously is another thing entirely, and you might feel like your only option is to ditch your goals for yourself for the week. 

Typically, my tip for nights when you know you’re going out and want to have a healthy meal would be to check the menu before you get there, but if your plans change at the last minute, that isn’t always an option. 

These are my three tips for enjoying a spontaneous night out at a restaurant while sticking to your health goals. 

1. Feel free to make healthy swaps when you can. 

Recently, after taking my son to an appointment, he and I decided to grab a bite at an all-day breakfast joint. I ordered the eggs benedict, but I swapped the hollandaise sauce for salsa. It was a super simple switch that my server was happy to accommodate, it added so much flavor, and I felt good about having a healthier option. Remember that you’re the boss of your own food when you eat out, so it never hurts to ask if you can make a healthy switch!

2. Get your to-go box ready at the beginning of the meal. 

When your food comes and a huge portion is set in front of you, decide immediately how much of it is a “for now” portion, and how much you can save for later. There are two benefits to this. Firstly, you aren’t tempted to over eat, so you won’t deal with unwanted bloating later on. And also, you get to have a second meal later! It’s a win-win no matter how you slice it. 

3. Have a go-to meal in mind. 

You might not always know where you’ll be heading to for dinner, so it’s to your benefit to have a generic meal in mind that most restaurants serve. It might be something as simple as a base of chicken, beef, or eggs paired with veggies, and even if it isn’t on the menu, you can ask your waiter if it’s something they can do. Nine times out of ten, it’s going to be no problem! 

Eating out should be something enjoyable for you, and it shouldn’t come with any added stress. If you go into your night out armed with the right mindset and a couple helpful tips, you can enjoy your food and company totally guilt-free. 

What’s your favorite go-to restaurant? Let me know in the comments!

If you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with great discussion!