Sparking Change in Health Care Systems

March 27, 2024

Sparking Change in Health Care Systems

Stepping out of our comfort zones can be daunting, but it's often the first step toward making real change. I found myself facing that familiar challenge as I woke up early to attend a breakfast meeting discussing the escalating costs of healthcare. 

Little did I know, this seemingly routine event would ignite a newfound commitment to getting involved and making a difference.

The discussion revolved around the impact of preventable lifestyle diseases on healthcare costs and whether employers could play a role in mitigating these expenses. 

Naturally, I seized the opportunity to advocate for personal accountability in health and wellness, emphasizing the importance of preventive measures and wellness programs in the workplace.

However, during my passionate advocacy, I was confronted with a crucial question: Was I truly involved in effecting change beyond my immediate sphere? 

It was a realization—I had been preaching my message to the same audience without reaching those who could make meaningful change.

Prompted by this revelation, I made a pledge to join the healthcare coalition and amplify my message to a broader audience with the power to make change in our community. It's a significant step for my business, one that I'm eager to take after over a decade of serving clients and advocating for wellness.

Now, I extend the same challenge to you: How can you get involved and make a difference?

Whether it's making changes in your own kitchen, collaborating with your employer to implement wellness initiatives, or expanding your reach to serve more individuals, every effort counts.

If you're ready to take your commitment to the next level, I invite you to join me for an info session on April 3rd. We'll explore a new program called "Breaking into Workplace Wellness," designed to equip you with the tools and strategies to effect change in both your local environment and your business's bottom line.

Register for the April 3rd workshop, and let's embark on this journey of growth and transformation together. 

Because, ultimately, our goal is to live lives filled with joy, vitality, and fulfillment—without compromising on the things that bring us happiness.