Show Gratitude to Develop a Positive Mindset

November 30, 2021

Show Gratitude to Develop a Positive Mindset

While you gathered with friends and family around a feast last week, did you get a chance to think about what you’re grateful for? Thanksgiving is all about considering all of the things we cherish in life, and before we head into December, I think it’s really important to consider what we’re grateful for. 

You probably think of workouts and leafy greens when the word “health” crosses your mind, but gratitude actually does tie into our health. Recharging is a huge part of staying healthy, and it’s a huge category that encompasses the “everything else” of health. It includes hydration and sleep and time to relax, but it also includes finding joy in the little things and showing gratitude. 

Gratitude is so important for your health, and here are just a couple reasons why you should take a few minutes to share what you’re grateful for this month. 

1. Showing gratitude reduces our stress. 

From a health perspective, showing gratitude reduces stress levels, thus reducing cortisol, and less stress is always good for our bodies. When you stress less, you’re better able to reach whatever health goals you’re working towards. As you go throughout your day, try to take note of the little things that help you along the way.

2. Showing gratitude each day is designated time to focus on somebody else. 

This may not seem to fit with my usual health advice because typically, I’m advising you to focus on yourself, your own needs, and your own goals. However, it’s important that we don’t forget to appreciate all those around us, so try to find some time to say thank you to those you’re grateful for. Make a list of anyone in your life who helps you out–a spouse, a close friend, maybe even an employee at a store who gives you a hand when you go in–and take a moment to thank them for all they do. You’ll feel wonderful letting them know, and they’re sure to be thankful for the appreciation! 

You don’t have to do anything huge to show gratitude; there are so many small ways to consider what you’re grateful for. One of my favorite ways to remember to show gratitude is using a gratitude jar. To use a gratitude jar, you simply write one thing each day that you’re thankful for on a sticky note, put it in a jar, and then grab a few and read them on a tough day. You’ll remember how much you really do have to be grateful for. 

It may not always be easy, and some days you may not feel like you have anything to be grateful for besides simply waking up. Still, there is always something to thank the universe for, so practice gratitude, and  a positive mindset will follow. 

What are you grateful for today? Let me know in the comments!

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