Self-Care in the Summer: Prioritizing Your Health in a Busy Season

June 11, 2022

Self-Care in the Summer: Prioritizing Your Health in a Busy Season

Summertime is here, so hopefully, you’re finding that plenty of vacations, cookouts, and poolside days are taking over your agenda. It’s such a fun time of year, but it’s really busy, too–and unfortunately, that means we might have to make cuts in our to-do lists.

I have found that oftentimes when our schedules start to overflow, the very first thing we sacrifice is our time for ourselves. It’s definitely too easy to slash your time for your walk in half, or skip reading a few chapters of your book whenever something more pressing comes up. But just because it’s the easy decision definitely doesn’t mean it’s the healthy choice. 

We deserve to keep every minute of our self-care time, even if that means reorganizing our schedules to prioritize ourselves. 

This summer, I’m working on prioritizing my self-care time, even on busy days. Here are three ways you can focus on your health this summer:

  1. Don’t run on an empty battery. 

If our phone battery starts to run low, we don’t keep pressing buttons and expecting it to work just the same as it would when the battery is full. Our bodies are the same way. When you don’t feel 100%, that’s your cue to slow down, listen to your body, and recharge. Give yourself room to rest and recover so that you can get back to doing all the things you love as soon as possible!

  1. Focus on hydration. 

During my time in Vegas last month, I found a game changing product that helped me stay hydrated and energized on the go. Electro is an amazing addition to your water bottle so that your water tastes delicious, and you’ll want to drink more. It has all the electrolytes you need as well as antioxidants with regenerative properties, and even though I’m pretty good about getting in plenty of water, I’ve definitely found that I’m drinking even more now that I’ve found Electro. Read more about it here.

  1. Make time to breathe. 

When things start to go crazy, I find that I automatically revert to shallow breaths that don’t really do my body any good. By making time for a nice, deep inhale and exhale, I can quickly boost my mood and feel so much better. Taking just thirty seconds a few times throughout the day for deep breathing can make such a difference in your day, so even if that’s the only self-care you can squeeze in, do it!  Give yourself a break to breathe. 

I hope you’ll have a restful summer with plenty of self-care in whatever way you really love, but if you need a little help squeezing in self-care where you can, try focusing on rest, hydration, and your breathing. You will find that it can make a big difference!

What’s your go-to summertime self-care? Let me know in the comments!

If you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with great discussion!