Savoring the Holiday Season: A 100-Day Journey to Food Freedom

November 7, 2023

Savoring the Holiday Season: A 100-Day Journey to Food Freedom

Savoring the Holiday Season: A 100-Day Journey to Food Freedom

Can you believe it? 

Halloween has come and gone, and we're officially in the season of delightful, food-filled holidays. 

Did you enjoy some of your favorite Halloween candy from the basket this year? I know I did – some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups! And let's be honest, they never quite live up to the hype, do they? But that's okay, because they're still so much fun.

Now, I want to share a little Halloween tip with you that can carry you through all the upcoming food-based holidays. 

Do you usually find yourself going all-in on the goodies, only to deal with it in January, or are you the type who avoids everything for the sake of a diet and misses out on the fun? How about if we find a happy middle ground this year? 

Let's relish the things we love while being mindful of what we put into our bodies. It's all about finding that balance between protein, fat, and carbs to avoid the dreaded blood sugar spikes and the post-Thanksgiving food coma.

Embracing the Variety:

Holidays are meant to be a time of fun, with a side dish of variety and indulgence. So, whether you're a fan of whole berry cranberry sauce, the jellied kind, or not a turkey enthusiast (like me!), there's room for all of us at the holiday table. The main goal is to enjoy the holiday season - which includes all the flavors we love - without going overboard and feeling yucky afterward.

The 100-Day Journey:

To support you through the holiday season, I'm excited to announce that we're starting a special support group the Monday after Thanksgiving. And guess what? 

We're even kicking things off the Monday before Thanksgiving with a bonus week. If you're feeling like you need a little extra boost going into Thanksgiving week, I'm here for you! Our aim is for you to feel fabulous come January – strong, energetic, and free from guilt. We want you to savor your favorite dishes without that "on a diet" feeling or the "I've eaten too much" regrets.

Join Us:

This 100-day journey will transform your relationship with food. Instead of fearing it, you'll come to love it. 

And you'll get to enjoy all your favorite foods. 

As always, my hope for you is to live a life you love without being hungry, feeling deprived, or giving up the things that bring you joy. 

So, let's embark on this 100-day adventure together and prove that it's absolutely possible to have it all.