Savor the Summer

August 26, 2022

Savor the Summer

Here in New England, there’s really only a small window when it’s the perfect time to be outside. The summers get very hot and humid, and the winters can be brutally cold, but there are a few weeks in between when the weeks are full of Top 10 days. 

Summer is starting to wind down which means that those few delightful weeks will begin soon, so I’m making a point to take advantage of every moment of great weather I can get. 

In today’s blog, I’m bringing you my tips for savoring the last bits of summer–and staying healthy at the same time!

1. Find an outdoor hobby. 

You’ve probably heard me mention it, but getting my family together to play pickleball is one of my favorite things to do. When I go on vacation, I usually add volleyball and tennis to that list, and I spend a ton of time walking. The key to exercising in the summer is finding something that you genuinely enjoy–it will never feel like a chore to get a workout in!

Whatever way you find to get moving, it shouldn’t feel like exercise; it should feel like fun! It could be tennis, or soccer, or hiking, or tai chi in the park. Have you been wanting to try stand-up paddleboarding? This is a great time! The possibilities are endless, so find a way to get moving that is fun for you. 

If you don’t have a go-to person to get moving with, try joining a class! You may have to drive a little bit for it, but it’s totally worth it to find a way to move your body and have fun at the same time. 

2. Watch out for sugary beverages. 

A lot of us are really good about choosing healthy options when deciding what to eat, but what about what we’re drinking? Alcohol is the first thing people think about, but so many drinks have a ton of added sugar that can lead to headaches and bloating, even if alcohol isn’t an ingredient. 

You can easily keep this from happening by bringing a water bottle along for your adventures. In between beverages, you can switch to drinking water, and you’ll stay hydrated, avoid potential hangovers, and easily monitor how much you’re drinking. 

3. Decide ahead of time if you want to stay on plan or not. 

There are some nights when we go out to dinner that we just really need a fun meal, complete with a fruity beverage and whatever dish we’ve been craving. But there are also some times when that isn’t the case, and you shouldn’t feel the need to splurge if you would be happy with sticking to your plans. 

My trick to eating out is deciding ahead of time if I’m going to stick to my plans or not. If there’s a specific dish I really want, or having a few drinks sounds like a great time, I go for it! But if I’m really just going to dinner to spend time with those around me and enjoy a night out, I don’t feel the need to order a “splurge” meal; I can stay on track and still be happy. 

By all means, go out, have fun, and never feel guilty about it–we don’t believe in being judgy about our food! 

But if you do want to stick to your goals, there are so many great options for staying on track, too. Having a plan is the key to success, and if you fail to plan, you plan to fail!

There are only a few short weeks of summer left, so enjoy them and make them sweet! If you want to make more progress towards your health goals in the fall, we’re starting a new group on September 19th, and I would love to have you join in. 

Are you ready for fall, or hanging on to every last moment of summer? Let me know in the comments!

If you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with great discussion!