Resetting to the Basics

January 25, 2022

Resetting to the Basics

This time of year, people come off of the holidays with a little “holiday hangover”–but this kind of hangover is a little different than usual. They come into the new year feeling “blah” after eating one too many cookies during the holiday season and spending too much time lounging instead of moving. Because of that, we see a lot of people making new goals and trying to rework their lifestyles in January, and that’s so awesome! I love helping women who have decided it’s time to make their health a priority. 

One thing I see a lot this time of year is people who are on the search for the quick fix to getting healthy and reaching their goals. It would be great if there were some elixir or magic beans out there that suddenly launched us to our desired goals, but I have some bad news–there’s no easy button to being in great health. It takes time, effort, and is a journey that can be full of ups and downs–but it’s so worth it! 

Even though there isn’t a quick fix to living healthy, the good news is that it isn’t super complicated either. Reaching our health goals comes from shifting our mindset from all the things we think we know about health to ‘getting back to the basics’. 

Here are my tips for prioritizing the basics on your health journey. 

  1. Drink plenty of water.   

I know this is a tip you hear constantly, but don’t just let it go in one ear and out the other! Drinking water is key to a healthy lifestyle. It helps your body perform to its highest standard, keeps you feeling full and hydrated, and it’s so good for your hair, skin and nails to look their best. With so many benefits, swapping your soda for water should be at the top of your list!

  1. Get to bed at a reasonable hour for your lifestyle. 

We might not all be able to guarantee a solid 8 hours of sleep each and every night, but your body will thank you for every hour you give it. Set a time for yourself each night to put away electronics, get ready for bed, and relax for an hour or so before you actually sleep. It will help ensure that you sleep as well as possible for as long as possible, and you’ll feel so much better when you’re well rested!

  1. Make time for breakfast. 

Instead of setting an alarm and snoozing until as late as possible, get up in the morning a little early so that you can take your time and make breakfast. Your day will be off to a much better start when you aren’t rushing to get out the door, and you’ll have so much more energy when you’ve taken the time to eat a healthy meal to start your day!

  1. Block off time just for you! 

When you start resetting your routines this time of year, be sure to block off time just for you and your needs. Over the holidays, you may not have had a ton of time to take care of yourself, so make that time now! It could be a mani-pedi, a walk with a friend, or time spent with a book, but go ahead and block that time out now so that it’s already scheduled into your calendar. It’s a date you just can’t miss!

  1. Join me for a 21 day reset! 

If you need a little boost at the beginning of your journey to get started off right, join me as we reset for 21 days! Our 21-Day reset program is designed to pack in tons of nutrients as well as reduce inflammation, improve circulation/digestion, and naturally balance your blood sugar - all in the first three weeks of your health journey, so you’ll feel great and have results sooner. Join me for our next reset - we kick off a group every week!

We might take these tips for granted, but the reality is that the basics are that magic key we’re looking for to get healthy. Eat good foods, find time for movement, and prioritize self-care, and you’ll reach your goals before you realize!

How do you spend your self-care time? Let me know in the comments!

If you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with great discussion!