Reset Yourself for Spring

May 2, 2022

Reset Yourself for Spring

Spring is the season of renewal, and all around us, new things are beginning. Flowers are blooming, baby birds are appearing, and the weather is taking a turn for the better, so it’s natural to want to reset our own lives, too.

Spring is a really great time to reset our health goals. Warmer weather causes our bodies to crave less hearty foods and start looking for fresh produce and lighter snacks, and we’re finally able to get out and get moving again. Even though the sun is warming up our days and giving us more hours of light, your body may not have gotten the memo yet that spring is in the air. If you find yourself feeling sluggish in spring, you definitely aren’t alone. 

Winter can be hard on our bodies, so I personally like to do a reset with every season. It helps me start fresh and get rid of anything weighing me down. 

If you feel weighed down by winter still, a spring reset may be just what you need to feel lighter and brighter. 

I try to make healthy choices for myself every day, so when I do my resets, the biggest change I make from day to day is being even more mindful about what decisions I make for my body. 

Ingredients like gluten, dairy, soy, caffeine, salt, added sugar, and alcohol are common inflammatory foods, so when I reset, I give my body a break from these. Our bodies take on a lot of stress, and adding in some of these inflammatory foods can add extra stress that’s really harmful. During my 21-Day Resets, I cut back on these as much as possible, and the change to my body is really noticeable and overwhelmingly positive. 

A 21-Day Reset isn’t about losing weight. It’s about feeling your best and changing the way you look at food in a positive way. 

If you’re ready to ditch sluggishness and feel your best for spring and summer, I hope you’ll join me for a 21-Day Reset! 

Leave a comment down below and let me know what your questions are! 

If you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with great discussion!