Shake Up Your Routine to Reset Your Mindset for Spring

March 30, 2021

Shake Up Your Routine to Reset Your Mindset for Spring

We did it! We made it through winter, and spring has now sprung. I know the winter doldrums hit a lot of us pretty hard this year. In a COVID environment, many of our favorite indoor winter hobbies weren’t possible, and that takes its toll after a while. Now that spring is here, it’s time to switch gears and get our heads back in a great place to keep working towards our goals!

A couple weeks ago, the doldrums hit me pretty hard. I was struggling to maintain my workout intensity and look forward to eating the healthy foods on my personal menu. I realized I needed to shake things up a little bit to get out of my funk. I decided to take my son on a couple tours of local colleges and grab lunch together after. It was a small change, but it was enough to shake up my routine a little bit, get us out of the house, and keep our eyes away from screens for a while. Now that our weather is warming up, we’re excited to break out the pickleball paddles and change up my exercise routine a little bit! 

It doesn’t take a huge change to prevent the doldrums from keeping you down. You can make small changes that keep you from settling into a routine that gets old after a while!

Once you make a change, you might be surprised by how much easier it is to get into a new mindset. An easy switch to your workout routine might mean taking your daily walk in a new neighbourhood or different park than usual. You could also invite a friend out for a socially distanced walk to shake things up. If your diet needs a little something special, try grabbing takeout from a different restaurant than usual! When you’re looking for a small change overall, something as easy as a short drive can get you some new scenery and put you in a better headspace. 

It’s amazing what a tiny change can do for your entire attitude and mindset!


What new things have you tried recently? What do you look forward to trying? Let me know in the comments!