Prioritize “Me-Time” in the New Year

January 2, 2023

Prioritize “Me-Time” in the New Year

Do you have goals for yourself for 2023? You probably know that I’m not the biggest fan of New Year’s resolutions, but what I am in favor of is a focus on positive changes in your life on every day of the year. If you’re reflecting on 2022 and evaluating what kind of changes you need to make in 2023, you might be considering changes in your diet, finances, or activity levels. But have you considered how self-care fits into your year?

It sometimes seems like our to-do list never ends, and in the New Year, we tend to add on even more tasks to complete in the name of reaching goals. But with so much to do, so many of those goals never come to fruition. Instead of tacking on endless assignments for yourself in the name of a “resolution,” start by adding in self-care. 

You might find that adding in some “me-time” makes it easier to get everything else done, too. 

We all need time to decompress, and it’s really hard to complete our goals when we don’t have the time to restore our own energy. Here are three tips for adding in “me-time” in the busy New Year. 

  1. Make checking things off your to-do list self-care. 

When I have a somewhat mindless task that needs to be completed, like folding laundry, I combine it with self-care. I block off a room just for me and turn on some music or an interesting podcast, and I can tune into that while I complete the task at hand. I’m still getting things done, and I get to be in my own little zone for a while, and that can be really refreshing sometimes. 

  1. Maintain a consistent daily walk. 

Even on a long, full day, I always make sure to hit my step goal. Walking is a great way to maintain physical health, and for me, it’s also self-care. When I walk, I get to leave the world behind and refresh my body and mind for a little while. During the holidays, there were days that I didn’t get to walk until 9 PM, and it was chilly, but I still made it happen with ski pants and safety lights. Walking every day is important to me, and I make it a priority to go for my daily walk no matter what. 

  1. Stop for a snack. 

This might seem simple, but when things get busy, it’s not hard to accidentally forget to eat, especially when starting a new routine. I always have a cooler bag with me, filled with great PFC3 snacks so that I never find myself without a balanced meal to keep me going. No one is operating at full capacity when they’re hungry, so make eating balanced meals and snacks throughout the day a priority. 


As we go into a busy New Year, you may want to start working on new goals, too. Don’t forget to prioritize yourself and your “me-time,” and you should find that you're in a better place mentally to reach all your new goals for yourself. 


What goals are you working on in 2023? Let me know in the comments!

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