Preparing for the Holidays With Time to Unwind

October 19, 2021

Preparing for the Holidays With Time to Unwind

It might seem like January 1st was just yesterday, but the reality is that Halloween is here, Thanksgiving is peeking at us from around the corner, and the decorations for winter holidays are already going up in stores all around us. That means that right now is the time when we’re all starting to  make plans for the upcoming holidays. Will we throw our hands up, give in to all the yummy seasonal treats, and plan to start over in January? Should we avoid even looking at Halloween candy and have a salad for Thanksgiving dinner? Can we find some kind of middle ground in-between?

I was recently able to get away for a night to celebrate our wedding anniversary, and we had a great time. We did a ton of walking, had a delicious dinner, slept in, and I got to enjoy the hotel gym. The weather felt like summer, but the truth is that enjoying a weekend away was a part of my prep for the stress of the upcoming holidays. 

The holiday season might be the most wonderful time of the year, but it’s also one of the most stressful times. So today, rather than preemptively worrying about how you’ll handle all the foods around you over the next couple of months, I encourage you to take time to just breathe. The long to-do lists will come whether we worry about them or not, so take this short time before the holidays to practice self-care and prep your body and mind for any upcoming stress about food, budgets, and long lists to check off. 

Without worrying about what’s coming up, take the time to breathe, relax, and recharge in whatever way you love. I’m trying to soak up as much sun and fresh air as possible, and I think that’s great advice for anyone before the drearier days set in for the winter.

A little rest and sunlight can go a long way in helping you prepare for the holidays in a way you may not have even thought you needed. 

Take a deep breath and relax, and I think you’ll find that you’re even more resilient against whatever the upcoming season brings you!

Need a little extra support? My team and I are running a 21-Day Reset starting November 1st and we’d love for you to join us.  Reduce inflammation, improve circulation, optimize your digestions, balance your blood sugar, and improve collage resilience - just in time for the holidays!  Pop into The Health Pro Hub and let them know that I sent you.  We’ll get you all ready to crush your health goals!!


How do you unwind before a busy season? Let me know in the comments!


Perfect Pairings is right around the corner with delightful food and wine on the menu, so don’t forget to grab your ticket and join us. Save your spot today right here, and invite a friend to join you!


If you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with great discussion!