Leave the Guilt at the Door: Enjoy Your Summer Outings and Stay Healthy This Summer

June 27, 2022

Leave the Guilt at the Door: Enjoy Your Summer Outings and Stay Healthy This Summer

Summertime is for traveling, beach days, and time spent with family…all of which are things that might pull you away from your own refrigerator and your own plans. 

I can’t tell you how many times I talk to women who love eating out, but they don’t love the guilt they feel after a big meal. The funny thing about guilt is that it’s something we’re probably all familiar with, and yet it’s totally useless!

Diet mentality might tell you that you can’t enjoy food, but the reality is that a healthy lifestyle includes a variety of foods of all colors and flavors–and you’ll never feel guilty after!

Here are my tips for enjoying all the good food that comes your way this summer, totally guilt-free!

1. Leave your guilt at the door.

It might sound easier said than done, but if you bring your guilt with you to your fun dinner out, you probably won’t even enjoy the food you’re indulging in. When you go out for a great meal this summer, I want you to remind yourself that it’s one meal on one day, and it won’t make (or break!) your goals for yourself. 

Of course, there is a secondary part to this tip. Enjoy every single bite of your meal out, but don’t use that indulgence as an excuse to go off track for a whole day or week. If you get right back on track after you indulge, you’ll feel so much better and be able to really enjoy your food guilt-free!

2. Create a plan and decide how to stick to it. 

When you have an outing, or a barbecue, or a vacation, make a plan beforehand about how/what you’ll eat. Waiting until it’s time to eat to know your options can put you in a sticky position where you might end up choosing food that you really don’t enjoy. Instead, find options that can keep you on track, but are also a treat for your body so that you don’t feel like you’re missing out during your event. 

3. Bring your own snacks along!

If you aren’t in a place mentally where you truly feel you can enjoy a meal that’s slightly off plan guilt-free, don’t feel like you have to indulge if you know you won’t enjoy it. Come prepared with snacks that will keep you satisfied, and then you can enjoy the company of your loved ones without feeling like you’ve messed up your plan for yourself. This might be a temporary phase before you’re ready to enjoy great food guilt–free, but it’s okay to admit it to yourself if you’re just not ready for a splurge yet. You’ll get to a place where you have a healthy relationship with the food that fuels you, one percent at a time!

If you’re wondering where the magic trick to a healthy lifestyle is, you aren’t just missing it; it doesn’t exist! Healthy eating is a combination of understanding and working towards a healthy relationship with our Eat, Move & Recharge system. It might not happen overnight, but the magic is inside of you, and you’ll get there one step at a time. 

Do you have any fun plans with friends or family this summer? Let me know in the comments!

If you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with great discussion!