In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb
April 6, 2021

As the saying goes, March came in like a lion and out like a lamb! Now that April is here, we’re officially in spring, and of course, we’re also dealing with a few April showers. Today, I want to talk about a few tips for eating, moving, and recharging in a way that will help you get through the April showers when we’re all just really looking forward to the May flowers.
When the weather is still kind of flip-flopping between rain clouds and sunny days, your body might not be sure what kind of food it’s craving. Some days, you might be looking for a heavier winter comfort food, but you crave fresh produce and summer salads on others. If you’re looking to keep the food on your plate fresh and lively, look into early spring produce! There are lots of great lettuces for spring that are light and refreshing, and you can find herbs this time of year that will help brighten up all of the flavors on your plate. Once you find some fun produce, head to Google (or just send me a quick message!) for great ways to cook up your new find.
This is the best time of year to try out something fresh and different than your usual dishes!
As for moving, your routine may change day to day with the unpredictable weather this time of year. My best advice for your movement in April is to keep going! We have a little bit of extra daylight now, and the sun is warmer this time of year, so it may surprise you how much better you feel with fresh air surrounding you. Some days might be chilly, but just keep walking–you won’t regret it!
When it comes to recharging, sometimes the best thing we can do for our bodies is just cut ourselves some slack. There will be days when we wake up and our scheduled workout really doesn’t sound good. On those days, instead of rolling over and going back to sleep, find something you can do for your body that sounds better and will still benefit you in some ways. When I have a workout planned that I just don’t have the motivation for, I do some yoga or turn to my foam roller! It helps me work out any muscle aches or soreness I may have so that I am still benefiting my body without pushing it when it needs a break. Cutting yourself some slack will give you plenty of time to recover and recharge so that you don’t overwork your body.
Keep your spring routine fresh by trying new things, persevering through the chilly days, and giving yourself a well-deserved break when you need it.
What are your favorite things to do in spring?! Let me know in the comments!