How to Stay Active During Winter if You're Not a Skier
March 26, 2019

Today’s conversation actually starts about 30 years ago . . .
when I was a young woman excited to be out skiing for the very first time. I’ll spare you the gorey details, but long story short, my first time skiing ended with a torn meniscus and ACL. Ouch is an understatement.
Those injuries lead to all sorts of interesting things, and frankly, if it hadn’t been for that experience, I wouldn’t have learned half of what I know about health and nutrition. But surely you can understand why despite being a New Englander, skiing is NOT my favorite cold weather activity.
So every winter, I get to face the same annual challenge you’ve likely faced too: How do you stay active during winter if skiing and snowboarding aren’t your thing? That’s exactly what we’re chatting about today.
Here are a few winter activity ideas to get your wheels turning. By no means is this a comprehensive list, but I hope it’s enough to spark your creativity!
1.Try Other (Safer, Less Extreme) Winter Sports
Just to be clear, I DID try skiing again after my knee heeled up. No fear! But despite the fact that later attempts at skiing weren’t quite so tragic, it still wasn’t really my thing. So, I decided to try out a variety of other winter sports.
Turns out, I’m a big fan of snowshoeing! Have you ever tried it? It’s an awesome way to scratch that hiking itch in the middle of winter. I’ve got some woods behind my house, and it’s great to be outside, check out the winter scenery, and get a workout in all in one go sometimes.
“But Dawn,” you might be thinking, “That sounds COLD.” I’m there with you—despite living up north, I actually really dislike cold weather. But honestly, it’s easy to forget how chilly it is once you’ve been moving for a few minutes. You expend a big burst of energy with every single step when you’re snowshoeing, and it’s easy to get lost in the fun!
2. Remember That There’s More Than One Way to Ski
If downhill skiing terrifies you but you still want to join your friends at the lodge, consider cross country skiing. Popping on some cross country skis and exploring the winter wonderland around you is actually a lot easier than you think. If you have a local bike path that gets covered in snow, that could be a great option for safely cross country skiing in your own neighborhood. Alternatively, some ski resorts offer prepared cross country tracks.
Wondering whether you can still get a workout without all the hills? Don’t let the flat landscape fool you. You’ll get a killer workout with this one, I promise.
3. Stay Indoors
If you’re REALLY not interested in being out in the cold, you can always go with the old reliable answer: working out inside. Personally, I’ve figured out how to get a variety of great workouts without heading outdoors. I’ve got a road bike trainer in my basement to get in some cycling—you could also consider a treadmill or elliptical, of course. Check out local classes: pilates, yoga, and aerobics all get you out of the house but still allow you to stay out of the weather. Try out a new gym (bonus points if it offers a heated pool or sauna). Search online for some at-home workout inspiration. Head to the mall before store hours and walk a few laps there with a friend or co-worker. Exercising indoors doesn’t have to mean getting bored!
So those are some of my go-to winter activities . . . I’d love to hear some of yours! Leave me a comment letting me know some of your favorite ways to stay active when it’s chilly out.
If you’re interested in hearing some more of my fitness tips and nutrition tricks, I’d love for you to join my Facebook group! Never Diet Again is free, fun, and an awesome source of accountability and information.
Until next time, I’m your nutrition coach, Dawn McGee, and what I wish for you is that you live a life you love without being hungry, feeling deprived, or giving up your glass of wine with dinner. Cheers!