How to Recharge During Winter
March 19, 2019

Is it just me or does this time of year always seems to drag on a little bit longer than the rest of the year? While we get more and more excited for spring and ready for warm weather, Mother Nature seems to take her sweet time deciding when spring will actually arrive.
Especially for those of us who live up north, winter is likely far from over. It can really take a toll on our bodies, minds, and attitudes. We can get depressed and even notice physical symptoms—our shoulders inch closer to our ears, causing stress to our neck and body.
If you need a push to get you through the last of your winter blahs, read on! Today, we’re covering tips on how you can recharge during winter time. Just a note—these same tips can really be used anytime you find yourself in a bit of a slump or feeling overextended. I just think they’re extra important to remember this time of year. :)
1. Take a Reading Break
Sometimes you just need a mental break. One quick and easy way to get this break is by reading.
When I’m traveling, I always make sure to have several books downloaded and ready to go on my Kindle. Sure, I read lots of educational books about health, business, and other useful stuff, but I also like to choose a few that are just purely for fun. Whether you’re into personal development, fiction, or non-fiction, don’t feel bad about budgeting time to read things that just make you happy. When you start to feel overwhelmed or like your brain is turning to mush, take a little reality break and escape into a good book.
Oh, and if you’re looking for a new read to boost your motivation, my book 365 Days of Healthy Living is great for a quick pick-me-up!
2. Prioritize Mental & Physical Self-Care
You’ve heard it before, but I’ll say it again: Self-care matters. Personally, I like to combine a few self-care favorites to get the most bang for my buck, so to speak. When I’m home, I love to put on my favorite face mask and sit upside down (on the floor, on my back, with my legs propped against a wall or my bed). I usually read something on my kindle while the facemask sets and enjoy a solid half hour of “me-time.”
This is a super simple routine that anyone can do in a short period of time, but it has big benefits. It relaxes you mentally, but it also does a lot to recharge you physically.. Lots of women (myself included) retain water in their feet, calves, and ankles—laying this way allows that fluid to drain easily and generally leaves you feeling lighter and more energized.
3. Self-Massage Is a Lifesaver
One of my very favorite things in the world is my knobby self-massage stick. With all the traveling I do, my lower back gets tight, and that often extends into my legs, knees, feet, neck, and shoulders. If I’m not careful, I start to notice that my whole body hurts.
The knobby self-massage stick is a great way to get relief. If you’re interested in hearing more about this technique, I’ll cover this in a lot more detail in my upcoming course, Reclaim Your Life, One Bite at a Time. It’ll be available soon, so be sure to keep an eye out for tha!
However you like to relax, the important thing is to make time for things that leave you feeling recharged. When you feel yourself slipping into that winter funk, just take a little time for yourself and don’t feel bad about it! As moms, it’s easy for us to get caught up in caring about everyone else’s needs, but as the old adage says, “You can’t pour from an empty vessel.” Take care of yourself first!
These are just a few of my personal favorite ways to recharge, but I’d love to hear from you, too! What are some of your favorite ways to relax and recharge? Let me know in the comments! And let me know, too, if you decide to adopt any of these practices this week. :)
If you’re enjoying these tips and would like more hands-on attention from me, I have just a few spots left in my pilot group for my Reclaim Your Life, One Bite at a Time program. Drop me a message at if you’d like to know more.
Until next time, what I wish for you is to live a life you love without feeling hungry, deprived, or giving up your glass of wine with dinner. Have a great week!