How to live forever.

December 13, 2023

How to live forever.

Have you ever thought about the concept of living forever? 

It's a topic that can spark very diverse opinions—some say it's a good thing, some say it's bad, and for others, it's just a thing. 

I hope that what we can all agree on is the desire to grow older with grace, maintain health, mobility, and the ability to relish the things that bring us joy. 

Let's dive into the world of healthy aging and explore two essential components that can make a significant difference in your journey.

1. Strength training: The ultimate anti-aging tool

Recent studies have highlighted a powerful secret to aging well: strength training. 

Whether you're a gym enthusiast, a pilates addict, a barre class lover, or someone who loves free weights or CrossFit, the key is to get moving with weight-bearing activities. Doing something you enjoy - so that you’ll keep doing it. 

For me, I restarted my reformer pilates practice this week, and I realized how much I had missed it! Even better, the impact on my strength and overall well-being was evident. The feeling of leaving a session standing taller and smiling more is just amazing.

If you're facing health challenges, don't worry – there are tons of modifications for every situation. This way, you can get the benefits of a solid work out without stressing about injuries or pushing yourself too hard.

The challenge I extend to you is to start something—anything that suits your current abilities—and turn it into a habit. Remember, it's not about going all in immediately but following a 1% at a time mentality.

2. Stress reduction: A vital ingredient for healthy aging

Now, let's chat about stress—the ever-present sidekick in our fast-paced lives. Chronic stress and pain often go hand in hand, creating a cycle that's detrimental to our long-term health. Breaking this cycle is crucial for healthy aging. 

Exercise, whether it’s a heart-pumping workout or a serene yoga session, will release endorphins, mitigate stress and, surprisingly, reduce pain.

Besides getting active, bringing in practices like meditation, stretching, yoga, and tai chi can really take the edge off stress. And you don’t have to follow a traditional path. A laid-back stroll, maybe with a cool podcast or surrounded by nature, can totally be your moving meditation. 

Personally, I find a chilly winter walk with all my gear to be a powerful stress-buster. It gives me headspace from the tasks of my day, positively influencing my mindset.

I hope these two tips become new tools in your tool kit for staying healthy as you age. No matter what complex health challenges you’re navigating, these practices can be tweaked to fit your situation. 

If this resonates and you're excited to explore this more, I've got two spots open for new clients in December. There’s no better time to get a new routine started than now. 

My hope for you is that you live a life you love—without being hungry, feeling deprived, or giving up the things that bring you joy.