How do you eat an elephant?

May 30, 2023

How do you eat an elephant?

How do you eat an elephant?

Well, the answer is quite simple: one bite at a time. 

When we embark on a health journey or find ourselves in the midst of one, or even when we're reevaluating our goals and striving for something new, it can often feel overwhelming. 

It's as if we're faced with the daunting task of devouring an entire elephant. But fear not! 

The key lies in taking a step back, assessing the tasks at hand, and breaking them down into manageable, bite-sized chunks. Much like eating an elephant, it's about approaching it one step at a time.

When it comes to tackling overwhelming tasks or goals, the secret to success lies in adopting a strategic approach. It starts with taking a step back and gaining a clear perspective on the tasks at hand. 

By assessing the bigger picture, we can better understand the scope and complexity of what needs to be done. Once we have a grasp of the overall task, the next crucial step is to break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. These bite-sized chunks are the building blocks that allow us to make progress without feeling overwhelmed. 

Breaking the task into manageable portions not only provides a sense of accomplishment with each completed step but also helps to maintain focus and motivation throughout the journey. It's like assembling a puzzle piece by piece, where each individual component contributes to the larger whole. By embracing this approach, we can navigate through challenges with ease, steadily making progress towards our ultimate goals. And even when we falter (because we will), it’s a smaller step to start making forward progress again.

Imagine telling a toddler, "Alright, let's get ready. It's time for high school." Absurd, isn't it? 

Yet, we often subject ourselves to the same unrealistic expectations when it comes to our health journey. 

We think, "Okay, let's change all our habits and transform them into healthy ones, and done! We'll instantly achieve optimal health." Deep down, we know it doesn't work that way.

So, what's the solution? It's simple. 

We take our goals and identify the different steps we can take to reach them. Then, we break those steps down into smaller and smaller pieces until we finally reach the point where we can take action. 

Once we've accomplished one task, we move on to the next, gradually building on each piece.

This is precisely the kind of approach I work on with my clients day in and day out, and it truly makes a world of difference. By breaking down their food, movement, and self-care habits into manageable pieces, we create a roadmap for success. 

The PFC-3 program, which I follow with my clients, focuses on these essential aspects: eating, moving, and recharging. Learning how to navigate the process of incorporating new habits into your life is crucial, as it ultimately determines the outcome.

Just like any other significant change we make, it's essential to break it down into small, achievable steps. By progressively working through these steps, one at a time, we can create lasting change. 

So,remember, when faced with a seemingly insurmountable task or health goal, take a page from the elephant-eating playbook and tackle it one step at a time.

Your journey to a healthier and happier life starts with those small, but impactful, bites of progress.