Don't let the holiday goodies scare you!

October 25, 2023

Don't let the holiday goodies scare you!

Don't let the holiday goodies scare you!

With the holidays approaching, it's that time of year again when we find ourselves surrounded by tempting treats, starting with those Halloween candies. And I'm here to tell you, don't worry, don't stress, because there's no need to be anxious. You might be thinking, "Dawn, you're crazy. If there's Halloween candy in front of me, I'm going to devour it." But here's the thing - you don't have to. Let's make this year different.

Let's embark on a journey to keep our blood sugar stable, curb those sugar cravings, and be more mindful about what we eat. After all, our bodies deserve to be treated with love and care. One of my favorite sayings is, "Treat your body like it belongs to somebody you love." Thanks, Hannah Corbin, for that wisdom.

So, let's dive into the basics. The key to reducing cravings and maintaining stable blood sugar levels is PFC - Protein, Fat, and Carbs. Include a balance of all three in every meal, starting within an hour of waking, and then continue every three to four hours until an hour before bedtime. This simple equation can work wonders in reducing those physical cravings. But what about the emotional cravings for Halloween candies? Well, that can take a bit more time to conquer.

For those emotional cravings, my best advice is to plan your indulgence. If you love peanut butter Reese's cups, mini Snickers bars, or Twix and KitKat bars, decide how many you’re going to have, put the rest away, and enjoy them. But it's not okay to grab a whole handful and mindlessly munch on them, only to do it again and regret it later. So, keep your blood sugar stable to eliminate physical cravings, and take your time with the emotional ones.

Now, when it comes to Halloween candy, consider getting candies that you don't particularly love. That way, the kiddos get candy and you’re not tempted by your favorites. They'll appreciate the sweet treats, and it will help you avoid snacking mindlessly. Or better yet, skip the candy altogether and opt for alternative treats like glow bracelets, slap bands, fun pencils, or stickers for the little ones. They'll be just as thrilled, and their parents will thank you too.

But here's the thing - don't go through this journey alone. Find an accountability buddy to support you. As the saying goes, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." 

So, grab a buddy and let's embark on the 100 days of 1% program together. I'll be there to coach you through all the necessary skills so you can conquer this holiday season and beyond.

And if you're worried about the treats that seem to magically appear at work during the holiday season, don't fret. I also offer workplace groups. When you and your colleagues are on this journey together, you'll find creative ways to enjoy delicious, healthier food. It's a win-win!

So, I challenge you to find an alternative to your usual Halloween (or pick-your-holiday) treat that you fear will derail your goals. Tag me down below, and let's make a change for the better. This is the perfect time to start because you'll learn how to savor all the holiday parties without feeling deprived.

As always, my wish for you is to live a life you love without feeling hungry, deprived, or giving up the things that bring you joy.