Have It All This Summer

May 10, 2022

Have It All This Summer

Summer is quickly sneaking up on us, and before we know it, long sunshine hours and warm days will be here for us to enjoy. I was recently talking with a friend about all of the great things summer brings: evenings out on the deck, days by the poolside, and weeklong vacations. Unfortunately, I know some women might feel like they can’t enjoy those things because so much of our summer fun involves some kind of food that we may not think fits with our plans. 

It may be that you are used to having a fruity drink in hand when you’re lounging around, or that you stop for ice cream with the kids after a long day at the beach. No matter where your snacks are coming from, it might feel like a lot of summertime activities also involve a summer snack. 

Today, I want to talk about how you can have it all: have your summer fun and stay on track with your health goals! 

It's important to me that I never dole out advice I wouldn’t take for myself, so I would never recommend you avoid all your favorite summer treats–that’s never a choice I would make for me! Instead, let’s learn how to have summertime fun and enjoy our sweet treats without letting it totally derail all of our plans. 

I've recently been taking lots of mini vacations as I help my son find what college he might want to choose. Traveling around new cities so much could really wreck my goals for myself if I let it, but instead, I choose to use it as a new opportunity to see new sights and taste new things while still staying healthy and happy. 

One way I visit a new city without going off track completely is by exploring on foot. Walking a new city really helps me see it as the locals might, and I avoid sitting on a bus (while getting my steps in) for the day. 

While I’m out exploring new cuisines, I always remind myself that I am the boss of my meals at restaurants. For example, if I’m ordering chicken or fish and see that it comes with a sauce on top that I’d prefer to skip, I can simply ask for it on the side. That way, it’s my decision how much of the sauce I want to add to my meal, and I can enjoy my meals and my health. 

I’m the boss of my meals, and you’re the boss of yours, too!

Balance and moderation are the real secret ingredients to a healthy life. When you see that summer is approaching, it can be tempting to throw in the towel on your goals. However, we can make choices that serve our body and make us feel good the next day, and also sprinkle in a few more extravagant choices, too–it’s all about moderation!


What location is on your travel bucket list? Let me know in the comments! We’re heading to NYC and NOLA this summer and I can’t wait to try all the yummy foods and see some new sights!

If you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with great discussion!