Have a Healthy Holiday Season With PFC3

October 10, 2022

Have a Healthy Holiday Season With PFC3

With Halloween on the horizon, there’s a new season impending: eating season. It starts in October and goes all the way through the holidays, and there’s a snack for every celebration. 

There are definitely a few holiday foods that I’m looking forward to making with my family throughout the season. But I also know that I want to wake up on January 1st feeling refreshed and ready for a new year, not weighed down and bloated. So for the next couple of months, my focus will be on enjoying the holidays as they come my way while still staying focused on my goals. 

Today, I’m sharing my best tip for having all the fun you want throughout the holidays without sacrificing your progress. 

My number one tip for staying on track is living the PFC3 lifestyle. That means that within one hour of waking up, you have a meal that has a balance of proteins, fats, and carbs, and you continue to eat PFC meals every three hours until about an hour before you go to bed. This helps keep your blood sugar stabilized so that you aren’t going hungry or staying too full. It also helps reduce unwanted cravings so that the food that goes into your body is the food you really, really want. 

When you eat PFC every three, you can avoid sugar cravings and crashes, and you can still enjoy a yummy treat when you really want it! The only difference is that you aren’t eating something because it’s a craving; you’re choosing your meals mindfully and intentionally. That makes all the difference in how you will feel when the holiday season is over and done with. 

If you choose to live PFC3, you can enjoy your holiday season to the fullest without feeling like you’re a slave to the parties and platters of food. 

As you eat, remember to keep the three “P’s” in mind: portions, proportions, and pacing. Keep your portions large enough to keep you satiated, but small enough to keep you from feeling overfull. Check your proportions to make sure you have enough proteins, fats, and carbs in every meal. Then, make sure you’re eating every three hours to prevent the “hangry” from setting in. 

If you’re ready to learn more about prioritizing nutrition as well as healthy sleep, join me next month for a myth-busting event with Adult Sleep and Wellbeing Coach Kali Patrick! You can save your spot right here:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/busting-myths-about-sleep-and-nutrition-tickets-414770899927


If you have any questions about how you can make PFC3 work for you, let me know in the comments! 


And if you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with great discussion!