Happiness is an Inside Job: Interview With Robin Thomas
June 22, 2021

I recently had the opportunity to interview Robin Thomas, a happiness coach who loves helping people find what truly makes them happy. Robin studied happiness for 22 years, and now she wants to share her tips for finding true happy feelings with those around her.
Robin has experience in coaching, healing, energy medicine, teaching, and more, and she takes everything she has learned along the way with her to her sessions. After over a year of distancing, I think we can all learn something from a real happiness coach!
So what exactly is a happiness coach? Robin specializes in the “recharge” piece of our Eat, Move & Recharge triangle, and she helps people reconnect with the internal piece of themselves that brings true happiness.
Her job is to teach people how to get in touch with their feelings, look inside themselves, and find the happiness that lives within.
If the past 15 months have taught us anything, it’s that life is going to keep happening, and there will be plenty of lemons coming your way. The reality is that life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you respond to it. Learning to respond with gratitude and positivity will help you feel more joy and find happiness within.
Robin says that women innately know that connection is a crucial part of dealing with stress, so building relationships is important to our happiness. Connection starts with being kind to yourself. When we’re compassionate with ourselves, we’re more likely to show compassion to others and build those crucial connections that bring us joy.
One tip for building those connections is being aware of how you give constructive criticism. My son’s karate sensei taught me that the best way to give feedback is to use the sandwich method. Start by pointing out something the person is doing great so that they feel confident in their abilities. Next, give your feedback for how they can do better. Then, finish off with a compliment so that they still feel confident, but also know what they need to work on. So next time you have to remind someone to take out the trash, remember to point out two positive things, too. :)
One thing I notice when I start to work with new clients is that they often struggle with feeling overwhelmed by the journey that they face. We break down every new habit they’re building into four simple steps: knowing where they’re at, deciding where they want to go, beginning the process of working on it, and finding a way to make their new routine stick.
Robin agrees that knowing where to start can be really difficult, and she says that the easiest and simplest way to start your search for happiness is to be kind to yourself. She says that if you feel overwhelmed and everything around you seems to be going wrong, remind yourself of what is going right. Celebrate your wins, even if it’s just getting up each day when you don't feel like it.
Focus your energy on gratitude, look for the things going right, and start each day with a kind word towards yourself.
Meeting yourself where you are is so important to finding happiness within. Even on your worst days, find something to be grateful for, even if it’s just a bed to come home to. Don’t set the bar at 10,000 feet when you’re starting at ground level–take things one step at a time.
If you’d like to get in touch with Robin, you can reach her at Fierce Happy Women Facebook Page, Phoenix Rising Healings Facebook Page, or email her at phoenixrisinghealings@gmail.com.
If you haven’t already downloaded my e-book, it’s full of tips that can help you to find success as you begin or continue your journey to health and happiness! Click here to download it now.
Don’t forget! Sign up for our September Perfect Pairings event before July, and you’ll save 25% with code SEPT21. If you’re like me and love wine and delicious food, you’ll definitely want to be a part of this great event, so get your ticket here and invite a friend to join you!
What wins, big or small, are you celebrating today?! Let me know in the comments!