Strategic Goal Setting for 2024

January 10, 2024

Strategic Goal Setting for 2024

As we start the new year, I’m curious… How do you like to begin your journey?

Do you jump into the year with excitement and plans, or do you prefer to take it slow and steady? 

Just like planning for a successful business year, setting up your health goals follows a similar strategic path. Think about a main goal for the year, like completing a 5k run. Like any other goal, achieving this needs to be broken down into smaller steps. I'm sure you wouldn't jump up from the couch and run a 5k tomorrow without preparing. Your plan would involve ‘meeting yourself where you are’, and progressing gradually over a few months.

Let's break it down. 

There are many schools of thought, and one possible first step is to finish a 5k without worrying about time. If you're not already a runner, you might start with walking and jogging intervals. Assess where you are at the start and make a plan to slowly increase distances, and then move from walking to longer running times. This process works for any goal, showing how important it is to break it down into manageable steps and execute - 1% at a time.

Applying this strategy to your health goals:

Let’s take a moment to think about your health goals for the year. It's a bit like planning a journey – you need a roadmap to get where you want to go.

1.Pick Your Main Health Goal:

Start by choosing a health goal for the year. It could be anything like getting more sleep, handling stress better, or lifting heavier weights. Make sure it's something that matters to you and makes you feel good.

2.Break it into Small Steps:

Imagine you're preparing for your first 5k run. Break it into small, doable steps. If your goal is your first 5k run, think about smaller targets like doing 1k first with a mix of walking and jogging, and then slowly increase your distance. Small steps make the big goal feel less overwhelming.

3.Take It Slow for Better Results:

Don't rush! Changing too much too quickly might not stick. Start with easy changes - like adding 15 minutes per week - and add more as you go. Small, steady progress is the key to long-lasting success.

4.Think About Your Own Situation:

Everybody's health journey is different. Consider what works for you. If, like me, if you've had joint replacement surgeries, adjust your plan to strengthen your muscles and support your joints. I know that I don’t want to replace them again, so I focus more on walking and less on the high impact of running. It's about finding a plan that fits your life.

5.Include Self-Care in Your Plan:

Health isn't just about exercise and food. Add things like relaxing, being mindful, or doing stretches to your routine. These extras help you feel good overall and keep your health goals on track.

6.Remember Your Lifestyle:

Life comes with different challenges. If you travel a lot, find ways to stay healthy on the go. Stay active, plan your meals, and make sure to get enough rest. Your health plan should work with your life, not against it.

7.Love Your Life, No Sacrifices:

The goal is to enjoy life without giving up what makes you happy. Your health goals should add to your joy, not take away from it. Aim for a balance that lets you celebrate the small wins along the way.

As I work on my health goals, I keep in mind that travel is a big part of my life. Whether I'm at a Billy Joel concert in New York or exploring the lively streets of Japan, keeping physically fit is important for being able to enjoy these experiences fully. The key is to include self-care practices, like using recovery tools and stretching routines, in your daily life.

As we start this new year, my hope for you is to live a life you love— without being hungry, feeling deprived, giving up the things that bring you joy.

Let's make this year about overall well-being and continuous improvement. Here's to your health and success!