Going with the Flow: Taking Care of Myself in Different Seasons of Life

June 7, 2023

Going with the Flow: Taking Care of Myself in Different Seasons of Life

Going with the Flow: Taking Care of Myself in Different Seasons of Life

Life  is a beautiful journey filled with seasons that bring unique experiences and challenges. Each season requires a different approach to self-care, allowing me to nurture myself through the ever-changing tides of life. As I find myself in the midst of graduation season, celebrating my kiddo’s milestone, it's crucial to prioritize my well-being amidst the whirlwind of activities. 

In this blog post, I'll share my personal insights on how I'm incorporating self-care into the festivities, reminding myself that taking care of me enables me to fully enjoy every moment.

1.Navigating the Seasons:

Life's seasons demand different levels of attention and focus. Some seasons require intense dedication to health goals, while others involve maintenance and balance. Graduation season brings a mixture of excitement and over-the-top busyness. However, I refuse to let go of my self-care practices during this time. Those who know me won’t be surprised by this. I'm always working on the blend of all aspects of my well-being—nutrition, exercise, and rejuvenation—into the celebrations.

2. Honoring Myself:

To start my day right, I recently indulged in a peaceful massage, allowing myself to relax and find inner peace. The soothing experience left me feeling centered and ready for that day's events. As we headed to the end-of-school-year luncheon, I embraced the opportunity to make choices to nourish my body with good food while savoring the last time I’d be at a luncheon like this. 

Between activities, I also made sure to remain active by incorporating regular steps into my day. While I may not have had a workout that morning, I planned to fit it in later, adjusting my schedule to accommodate the festivities. And even if the workout didn't happen as planned, I had a backup plan—rising a little earlier the next day to make it a priority before the graduation and subsequent celebrations.

3.A Gentle Reminder for You:

I want to remind you not to forget yourself. It's easy to get caught up in organizing, participating, and celebrating, but neglecting self-care can leave you feeling drained. Prioritizing self-care enhances your ability to enjoy every aspect of life more fully. After my massage, I was more ready to embrace the upcoming events. By organizing and planning, noting even the smallest details, like putting balloons in the car before the graduation dinner, I ensured a smooth experience without the nagging worry of forgetting something.

4.Tools for Success:

Find an organizational tool that suits your needs—a to-do list, a calendar, or any method that helps you stay on track. Personally, I rely on my calendar to schedule specific times for activities, allowing me to visualize and plan my day effectively. By staying organized and prioritizing self-care and workouts, you can navigate the demands of each season without sacrificing your well-being.

5.Balancing Indulgence and Nourishment:

What about the food? Will I enjoy a slice of cake? Absolutely! 

AND - I remain mindful of fueling my body and brain throughout the entire weekend. Balancing indulgence with nutritious choices keeps me feeling healthy and content. It's totally possible to enjoy all the parties while nourishing ourselves both physically and mentally. The key lies in finding harmony between indulgence and mindful choices.

Whether you find yourself celebrating a big milestone or the entrance of summer weather, remember to embrace the different seasons of life. Each season requires a unique approach to self-care, enabling you to navigate the challenges while cherishing the joys. By incorporating self-care practices, maintaining flexibility, organizing your schedule, and finding a balance between indulgence and nourishment, you can savor every moment without compromising your well-being. 

So, as you celebrate and relish the journey, may you live a life you love, indulging in the pleasures without ever feeling hungry, deprived, or giving up those small moments of joy. Until next time, take care and embrace the flow of life.