Give Yourself the Gift of Self-Care: Why Taking Care of Yourself is so Important During the Holiday Season

December 14, 2021

Give Yourself the Gift of Self-Care: Why Taking Care of Yourself is so Important During the Holiday Season

There is so much delicious food around this time of year, and enjoying it is one of the best parts of the holiday season! On Thanksgiving and during Hanukkah, I made some of my holiday favorites and loved getting to dive into them. 

However, on the day after my family’s feasting, I felt a little bloated, so I made sure to take extra special care of myself. I tried to avoid eating some of the foods that bloat me so that my system could regain its equilibrium. I made plans to get some fresh air and go out for a walk, so I bundled up in my warmest clothes and got moving. In no time, my body was back to feeling like its normal self. 

Sometimes, we need to practice some strongly intentional self-care to help our bodies bounce back from a stressful week or, in my case, more food than it’s used to handling. But it’s really important that we don’t just rely on large doses of self-care every now and then; our bodies need consistent self-care. 

While you’re celebrating the season of giving, here are my tips for remembering to give back to yourself with daily self-care. 

  1. Find time for fresh air. 

This time of year can feel so dark and gloomy when you’re holed up inside to avoid the cold air. Yes, the weather can definitely be rough this time of year, and living in Boston, that’s definitely a challenge I face. However, on any day the weather gives even a slight break from piles of snow, I take the time to be outside. No, it won’t be sunny and 75, but I throw on my best warm and waterproof clothes, a pair of boots, and give my body to get the fresh air it needs. Taking a break from being stuck inside will leave you feeling so much better. Think of it this way - there isn’t any bad weather, just insufficient gear. 

  1. Take small breaks throughout your day. 

When your to-do pile starts to really fill up, it’s not easy to find an hour block of time for a massage or meeting with a friend. I often find, when things start to get busy, the time we take for ourselves is always the first to go. If you know you’re going to be dealing with a full schedule, try dedicating time for quick breaks throughout the day instead of a full self-care session. Step outside each hour for a breath of fresh air, stand and stretch, or turn off the lights for five minutes throughout the day and meditate. Find ways to take your favorite form of self-care and break them into tiny chunks that won’t make you feel like it’s a big interruption to your schedule. 

  1. Listen to your body.

I know there is always plenty to do this time of year, but when your body speaks, listen to it. If you continue to run your body around on an empty tank, it will eventually crash, leaving you exhausted or sick. If you feel your body needing a recharge, clear time to give it the break you really need. 

While you’re busy baking and shopping for those you love, don’t forget to take care of yourself, too! You’ll feel so much better and prevent holiday season stress from taking hold. 

How do you practice self-care during the holidays? Let me know in the comments!

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