Give Yourself Permission to Practice Self-Care
June 29, 2021

A couple of weeks ago, I had the chance to go on a short getaway to scenic Newport, Rhode Island with a good friend of mine. Over the last 15 months or so, my family has been cautious about outings, so I’ve had to change my self-care routines to at-home activities. Now that I’m ready to start traveling again, a short trip like this one was just what I needed to remind myself of how wonderfully recharging time to yourself really can be.
I know it can be hard to grant yourself the permission to focus on yourself when there are always so many things that seem to need our attention in our daily life, but for me, having a real break where I was able to focus my energies on myself was what I needed for my health. In our busy lives there will always be lunches to make, houses to clean, business calls to take, pets to feed, and rides to give. Our routine turns into a non-stop quest to be ten steps ahead, taking care of prep work for all of our responsibilities.
Giving yourself a break from that constant to-do list might just be what you need for your mental health. And you get to come back even stronger!
You don’t have to plan an extravagant getaway to give yourself a mental break. Book a hotel in your city and stay in, or simply find some time alone for a few hours to clear your head.
Leaving someone else in charge for a few hours gives you the power to take care of yourself in whatever way you need.
Here are my tips for practicing self-care for refreshing your mind when you need it most:
Take some time to getaway.
It’s not always possible to leave someone else in charge, but I do recommend that you work out a plan to do so every now and then. Just having a few hours where you’re not the one responsible for everyone’s everything might be enough to start feeling like yourself again, and you’ll come back stronger than ever. A weekend or even just an afternoon can make a huge difference in your mental health.
Practice self-care in the way you need it.
Before my trip to Newport, I was in need of connection with friends that I’ve not had time with over the last year, so I specifically looked for a girl’s trip. However, that doesn’t mean that’s what everyone needs. You might just really need time to be alone with your thoughts, or some couples time (without the kids) and that’s completely okay. Make time to practice self-care how you need it, not how others expect you to.
Put a date on the calendar.
Self-care can quickly turn into something you wish you had time for and you know you should do, but never really get around to. That’s why you should pull out your calendar and choose a date now! Make an appointment with yourself that’s too important to cancel, and commit to being there for your scheduled self-care. For some of us, just the act of planning is enough to take a mental break and start getting excited about a little getaway. Start the process today by committing to when you’ll follow through on the promises to yourself. You deserve it!
With a fresh mind, you might just find that you’re able to see each day in a different light. When you take the time to take care of yourself, you may be more grateful for the small and wonderful parts of each day that you can fully appreciate. We spend so much time taking care of others, let’s not forget the time we need to take care of ourselves.
Do you have a getaway planned yet? Let me know in the comments!
If you haven’t already downloaded my e-book, it’s full of tips that can help you to find success as you begin or continue your journey to health and happiness! Click here to download it now.
Want a virtual getaway to connect with others over a great plate of food with a glass of wine in hand? Sign up for our September Perfect Pairings event before July, and you’ll save 25% with code SEPT21. Get your ticket here and invite a friend to join you!