Getting Back to the Basics
March 2, 2021

February was back to basics month, and just because we’re in March doesn’t mean we should stop focusing on the keys for success! Last month, we talked about going back to the foundations of our eating, moving, and recharging habits. When you refocus on the basics, watch all of the confusing and complicated restraints on your food fall away!
I often see people who want to make a real change in their lives get caught up in gimmicks. From complicated time frames to strict diets, there’s a lot of misinformation out there that will try to trick you. So what’s the truth of healthy living? The truth is that real change in your health will come with the basics of simple, fun, and healthy food that fuels your body.
So what does it mean and what do we need to do to reduce the noise, and focus on the basics of healthy living? Here are two quick tips that will get you back to the basics today!
Make Goals That Set You Up for Success.
We’ve been talking about goal setting since January, so it may seem like old news by now. However, if you haven’t yet gotten around to setting concrete, clear goals, this will be your very first step. Make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T.: simple, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. By the way, you can ALWAYS reach out to me if you need help setting goals in a way that will really work for you. :)
Compare Your Diet With Your Results.
Once you know what goal it is you want to reach, the next step is to figure out how to get there! Take a look at your current diet (p.s. Diet just means ‘the food you eat’. It doesn’t mean restrictions or fads). Is it working for you? If not, what adjustments can you make that might give you better results? This process isn’t a one-time thing; you can continue to make adjustments throughout your health journey until you find what really works for you. An easy way to start this is to spend one week tracking your food and drinks, and then see what your diet is doing for your results. If you aren’t liking the progress you see, you can tweak from there!
Personally, I love the My Macros+ app because it lets me scan a barcode to track my foods. That makes it so much easier for me to see what I’m really taking in, compared to what I might think I’m taking in.
Sometimes, I think I’ve had a great week with clean eating, but my body feels sluggish. When this happens, I have to wonder if I’m remembering my weekly food intake with rose-colored glasses. The truth is, those little bites from your kid’s plate or handful of a snack here and there can make a big difference. Over time, it’s the small things that can sabotage you!
If you want to feel like you’re making progress with your health goals, try getting back to the basics and tracking what you’re eating each day!
Whether you need help deciphering data, aren’t sure where to go next in your journey, or just want someone to celebrate your smooth sailings with, feel free to join the conversation in my Never Diet Again group! It’s completely free, and we would love to celebrate your wins with you.