Balancing Foodie Adventures and Healthy Living: Discovering the PFC Way in Italy!

July 3, 2023

Balancing Foodie Adventures and Healthy Living: Discovering the PFC Way in Italy!


Balancing Foodie Adventures and Healthy Living: Discovering the PFC Way in Italy!

It's summertime and I'm embarking on a foodie adventure to Italy! I am sure you have some fun plans this coming summer as well. But before I immerse myself in all the pizza and pasta goodness, I want to address a question that might be on your mind. You're probably thinking, "Dawn, you're all about healthy living, so how does this foodie trip fit into that?"

Don’t worry, I have a plan. I'm here to show you how to savor the wonders of Italian cuisine while staying true to the PFC3 (Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrate) lifestyle. That's right, we can have our cake (or rather, tiramisu) and eat it too!

One of the common dilemmas we face is the all-or-nothing approach. It's like we're stuck between rigidly following a plan and totally missing out on the local delicacies, or completely surrendering to temptation, eating everything in sight, and returning home feeling less than stellar.

Life is all about finding balance. 

When it comes to my own travels, I always make sure to pack my trusty PFC3 snacks, supplements, and a refillable water bottle. These essentials are my secret weapons for maintaining a healthy lifestyle on the go. After all, I want to have fun, enjoy the local cuisine, stay hydrated, and keep up with my health goals. It's all about finding that sweet spot of balance, my friends.

Let me share a few travel tips that I swear by. 

Firstly, make sure to pack some PFC snacks for your plane ride. 

Hunger can strike at any moment, and being prepared is key. Plus - bringing your own means that you won’t be tempted to have some of the junk food that’s in airport stores. 

Secondly, don't forget to bring a refillable water bottle to keep yourself hydrated throughout your trip. Trust me, it's a game-changer. 

Lastly, I highly recommend carrying electrolytes to add to your water. Especially in the heat of the summer!

These tips are incredibly easy to implement. You don't need to pack an extra suitcase or stress over logistics. These essentials fit perfectly into my backpack, and I make it a point to refill my water wherever I go. And mostly I find refilling stations in the airports so you don’t even have to buy water. 

Whether you're embarking on a vacation, enjoying a staycation, or planning a barbecue for the holidays, I truly hope that the tips I've shared with you today prove to be helpful. And remember, the longer you’ve been living the PFC lifestyle, the easier it is for your body to bounce back from the occasional indulgences. My wish for you is to live a life you absolutely love—a life filled with amazing food, fun exercises, and all the things that bring you joy. 

Remember, it's all about finding that perfect balance and embracing every moment. So go out there, savor the flavors, stay active, and let happiness be your constant companion.