Flexibility and Food Freedom

April 8, 2022

Flexibility and Food Freedom

We’ve had a few April showers here in Boston,  and while I’m trying to hold out for the May flowers, rainy days can sometimes get in the way of my plans. I love being outside to breathe in fresh air and get in lots of steps throughout the day. Unfortunately, the wet weather has kept me from doing those things quite as much as I would like, but it also means I’ve been practicing my flexibility. 

Sometimes, our plans don’t go over as smoothly as we’d hoped, so we have to get creative. I was recently going to appointments with my husband on a rainy day, so I knew I wouldn’t be able to get my steps in through my plan A of walking around the neighborhood. The weather also meant that I wouldn’t really want to go to plan B and walk around the parking lot. Instead, I walked through the hallways, and while it may not have been my ideal stroll, I was able to get in my steps for the day and stay active. 

Flexibility for things like this might typically seem like second nature, so going into plan B (or C, or D, and so on) might not be such a big deal. But for some reason, I’ve found that for lots of women I work with, practicing flexibility with our food doesn’t come quite so easy. 

When our plans for a healthy meal fall apart, the natural reaction might be a deer in the headlights stare. But being flexible with our plans to eat healthy doesn’t have to be a daunting task; it’s as easy as finding a new solution. 

I can easily translate my walk outdoors to a walk through the hallways when necessary, and I do the same thing when my healthy meal plans get changed. 

If I’m in a situation where my only option is to eat a burger and fries even though that meal wasn’t my Plan A, I can be flexible and alter that meal to fit my needs. I can choose to eat only part of the burger, or substitute a lettuce wrap for a bun, or add on veggies. I can trade in the fries for the vegetable of the day or a side salad. Or I can just have the fries. Even the small decisions we make can have a huge impact on how we feel. 

No food is off limits for me. I practice food freedom, and that means I eat what I really want while also making decisions that serve me. 

If you’re ready to practice food freedom and feel great, I would love to talk to you more about how you can translate your regular meals to something delicious and nutritious!

Are you ready to practice food freedom? Let me know in the comments!


If you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with great discussion!