Finding the Mindset to Exercise When You’re Just Too Busy
April 13, 2021

I think we’re all thankful that March is behind us now and we are one month closer to summer, but that doesn’t mean we’re all clear. April showers are here, and that can make it really hard to find the inspiration to get moving. Whether it’s the rainy days that have you down, or springtime busy-ness, or something else, it can be difficult to get into the mindset to exercise.
A few weeks ago, my schedule was packed full with cooking before the Passover Seder, so finding the time for exercise was a little tougher than usual. Because I was juggling so many things already, the temptation was there from that little ‘devil’ on my shoulder - just let my movement time go by the wayside so that I could spend every possible minute on my preparations.
Rather than giving up the time I set aside for movement, I decided to consolidate my to-do list. I had a dentist appointment too, so rather than driving the mile or so to the office, I threw on a coat with a hood and some comfy shoes and walked there. The trip there and back helped me reach my step count while still being productive. Of course I’m glad I was able to find a way get everything done, but the important thing about this anecdote isn’t just that I got my steps in. It’s all about the mindset.
Instead of thinking “I can’t fit it in,” try thinking “How can I fit it in?”
Finding success is all about migrating into the “how can I?” mindset. Starting to look for a solution is half of the battle. If you show up with your mind and your attitude in the right place, you’ve already done the hardest part. Finding a solution may not always be easy, but if you get into the mindset where you really want to do something, you can usually find a way to make it happen.
If you’re in that place where you really want to do it, but you’re just not sure where to start, pop into my Never Diet Again group. You can ask any questions there, and I’m always more than happy to help you work through it.
When you need to get moving, remember you’re never really too busy to do it. It may mean a shorter workout, or it may mean taking the stairs or parking a little farther away. Tiny changes in your habits can help you find success when you’re in a time crunch. There’s always a way to get just a little more in. And over time, little bits can add up to a lot of great things.
What small changes can you make to fit it all in?! Let me know in the comments!