Finding Balance: Navigating Food Choices While Traveling

May 3, 2023

Finding Balance: Navigating Food Choices While Traveling

Finding Balance: Navigating Food Choices While Traveling

I love to travel! It’s such a great opportunity to explore new places, experience different cultures, try new foods, and create lasting memories. However, for many people, it can also be a bit daunting to try to maintain their healthy eating habits while on the road. But with a little planning, mindfulness and having systems in place it is possible to strike a balance between indulging in the local cuisine and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Traveling isn’t scary for me anymore because I have great systems and I have mastered the art of traveling in a way that suits my lifestyle.

With all the traveling I’ve been doing lately, I've been receiving a lot of questions on how I manage to maintain my healthy eating habits while traveling. 

Well, let me tell you, it's all about having a few simple systems in place that make it easier for me to do it all.

First things first, food is my foundation. I never skip a meal and always make sure to have balanced meals that include a balance of protein, fat, and carbs. This is crucial to keep my energy levels up throughout the day and my metabolism humming. 

And let's be real, who doesn't love trying out new cuisines and indulging in some delicious treats while traveling? But that doesn't mean we have to throw our healthy habits out the window.

The second thing I always have on hand is my trusty water bottle. Staying hydrated is key, especially when traveling. I like to add some electrolytes and energy powder to my water to keep me going throughout the day.

The third thing is supplements. Some people are hesitant to take supplements, but trust me, there are some things that our bodies need help with. When I travel, I always make sure to pack my digestive enzymes + prebiotic/ probiotic blend, which is crucial for maintaining my healthy digestion and gut health. When I’m home, I usually have it once a day, but when I’m traveling, I take it before every restaurant meal, and it makes a ton of difference for me. 

My fourth hack is all about reducing anxiety and stress levels while traveling. Let's face it, traveling can be anxiety-provoking for some people, and it's important to have some tools to help manage that. That's where my Ashwagandha-based product comes in. It's replaced all of my CBD products, and I love it! It makes a huge difference in my overall sense of calm and well-being, both when traveling and in my day-to-day life.*

And last but definitely not least, PFC3 all the way! If you're not familiar with this term, it stands for Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrates every 3 hours. Ensuring a balance of these three macronutrients in every meal helps keep us full and satisfied, while also providing our bodies with the necessary micronutrients to function properly.

I hope you found these tips and tricks helpful in maintaining a healthy balance while on the road. 

Remember, the key is to find what works best for you and your body, and to make small changes that can have a big impact on your overall well-being.

Now, let's be real, traveling isn't always glamorous. There can be delays, missed connections, and long hours spent in airports or on planes. But that doesn't mean we can't make the best of it and enjoy ourselves along the way. For me, that means looking forward to some delicious meals and trying out new cuisines wherever I go.

So go ahead and embrace your inner foodie and adventurer, while also taking care of yourself and your health. With the right systems and tools in place, you can fully enjoy all that travel has to offer without sacrificing your well-being. Bon voyage and happy travels!

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*Disclaimer here - this blog is not intended to replace medical advice, therapy, or any other treatment modalities. It represents my personal experience within my scope of practice.