Find Your Footing in Your Fall Routine

October 12, 2021

Find Your Footing in Your Fall Routine

The falling leaves may make for beautiful scenery, but this time of year can be difficult for people beneath all that foliage. If you’re the kind of person who has a strict routine and commits to sticking with it, the shift in season and all that comes with it is likely shaking up your sense of normalcy. If you struggle with routine, school starting up, after school activities, and the holidays will be keeping you on your toes, and it’s tough to get used to constantly having a set time and place to be doing something. 

Most parts of my routine are usually pretty set, like getting in a morning workout and helping my son get up and ready for school on time. However, I always need to leave a little wiggle room for adjustments because even the most perfectly planned day will have a few hiccups and bumps in the road that you just couldn’t plan for. 

I recently had an in-person meeting outside of my house which is rare in a time where Zoom is usually the go-to option. I was actually excited to shake things up a little, but leaving my house and breaking from my routine did mean a little readjusting. 

My meeting was right in the middle of the day at noon, so I had to plan my day around it. I wasn’t too familiar with the area, so I didn’t know what my lunch options would be, so I chose to pack up my lunch for the day and bring it with me. I packed items that could easily be transported, like boiled eggs, my favorite bar, and a bottle of water. That way, if there weren’t any healthy options that sounded good nearby, I had an easy plan B to opt for instead of having to resort to drive-through food. 

Not all change has to be a negative thing or cause any kind of anxiety.

I recently tried a plant-based shake that a trusted friend recommended, and after a couple of weeks, I noticed a positive change in how I was feeling. Initially, I didn’t feel any need to try a plant-based shake. I’m happy being an omnivore, and I don’t have any digestive issues or lactose intolerance, so I really only tried the shake out of curiosity. It ended up being a great option for me, and I’m so glad that I took a chance and changed up my routine instead of just relying on the same shakes I’ve known and loved for years! 

Shake up your routine sometimes because you never know what you’ll find out about yourself!


Change is sometimes scary, but that doesn’t mean it’s always bad. You can face change in a positive way by making the preparations you know you’ll need, like bringing a healthy snack along the way, and by accepting the fact that the change that’s coming may just be for the better. :)


For now, let me know–what do you take with you to-go in your cooler? Let me know in the comments!


Perfect Pairings is right around the corner with delightful food and wine on the menu, so don’t forget to grab your ticket and join us. Save your spot today right here, and invite a friend to join you!

If you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with great discussion!