Feed Your Soul This Winter

February 7, 2023

Feed Your Soul This Winter

One of my favorite parts of my job is that I get to teach women how to feed their body, brain, and soul. While it may be obvious how you can feed your body and brain in ways that benefit them, feeding your soul can be a little trickier, and that’s what I want to talk about today. 

We are deep in the doldrums of winter, and every year around this time, I start feeling like I want to join the birds and fly south for the winter. I have some cool trips planned for this year that I’m looking forward to, but unfortunately, none of them are on the books for this month. While these big adventures will definitely feed my soul when they come up, I also actively seek daily activities to feed my soul to prevent the winter blahs from fully setting in. 

Here are my tips for activities that can help feed your soul through the winter season. 

1. Make time to gather with friends. 

Enjoying time with friends and family can help keep you from settling into a sad winter spirit. If your friends are local, make plans for a coffee date or a winter walk. If your friends are a little further away, schedule time for a Zoom session to catch up. I have a Perfect Pairings event planned for March 3rd that I’m so excited for because it lets me combine my love of great food with my love of spending time with great people. If that sounds like something that might feed your soul, too, you can get your ticket right here and join me!

2. Try out new flavors and exciting recipes. 

When life starts to feel dull and redundant in winter, you can keep things interesting by spicing up your meals! A friend of mine once told me that when you balance out flavors in your meals, you also balance out nutrition, and it’s amazing how well that blend of spicy, sweet, and savory can come together. 

Instead of reaching for your go-to dinnertime choice, be intentional about selecting 1-2 new recipes to try each week, and get excited about new bursts of flavor. 

3. Make time to get active. 

I know it’s tough to drag yourself off the couch this time of year, but the days where it’s hardest to get moving are the days it’s most important that you do. When you break free from a stagnant lifestyle and get moving, you can renew your energy and start to feel more like yourself. Making time for movement feeds your soul and allows you to feel your best, even when the weather isn’t on your side. I try to make it easier for myself by having good winter gear - heated vest, heated gloves, all the things.  

There are so many things out there that will light up your life and feed your soul–it’s up to you to try them out and find what works for you!


What activities help you come alive? Let me know in the comments!

Don’t miss your chance to join us in March at our very last Perfect Pairings event as we cook up a delicious and healthy meal. Get your ticket right here!