Enjoy Your Treats (Occasionally) Without Derailing Your Nutrition Goals
March 5, 2019

As we all know, Valentine’s Day just happened. And whether you love the holiday or hate it, one thing is for sure: The holiday of love comes with a whole pile of nutritional challenges. Boxes of chocolates? Check. Fancy dinners? Check. Cocktails with girlfriends? Check. Valentine’s parties at your kid’s school, at the office, and heart-shaped cookies everywhere you turn? Check, check, and check.
But honestly, it’s not just Valentine’s Day! It’s Girl Scout cookie season. It’s almost spring break (hellooo, margaritas). It’s life in general. Sometimes it seems like the world wants us slip off plan, doesn’t it?
Fortunately, I come to you today bearing tidings of great joy (sorry, wrong holiday):
You CAN enjoy your sweet treats! In fact, you SHOULD!
There seems to be a common misconception that good health means no sweet treats, desserts, or indulgences. I’d like to debunk that right now. Maybe that works for some, but for most of us, trying to entirely deprive ourselves of our favorite “junk foods” is a one-way ticket to eventual failure. Even the most dedicated healthy eaters need a break now and then. I know I sure do.
That’s why I’m putting my foot down. I’m taking a stand. It’s perfectly fine, perfectly accepted, and in fact, even EXPECTED and NECESSARY to incorporate treats into your regular healthy routine. You’re welcome.
Now, of course, that probably means something a little different to all of us. One woman’s idea of a splurge might be having that extra cocktail every other weekend; another’s might be enjoying a giant piece of chocolate cake once in a blue moon. For me, it helps to set up some guidelines. These rules might be different for you, but here’s a look at the rules I follow when I’m strategically adding treats to my plan.
The Rules
Choose high quality treats. I’m not going to have a piece of some random cake and then think, “Gee, that wasn’t really worth it.” If I’m having cake, I’m getting the most primo, moist, delicious cake I can get my hands on. If chocolate is your thing, make sure it’s rich, indulgent, amazing chocolate. A bite of a half-stale Little Debbie cake that happens to still be in your cupboard just won’t do, friends.
Ditch the Guilt. If we’re doing this, then we’re doing this. We’re not half doing it but feeling bad about our decisions tomorrow morning. We’re not doing it but saving it as a tool to beat ourselves up with later. If you’re planning to enjoy a treat, ENJOY it! Then, move on to your next well-planned, balanced meal.
Integrate Treats Between PFC Meals. Picking up where that last rule left off, it’s important to stack your treat in between two PFC meals. Why? Immediately jumping back on track will keep your blood sugar from going crazy and, perhaps more importantly, will keep you from experiencing that special hangry/cranky/tired combo that comes from a sugar crash and leaves you craving even more chocolate. Veering off course for a moment and then steering yourself right back onto your normal nutritional path will keep you stable and energized.
All that to say . . . Definitely, definitely have some treats.
Go buy a box of Samoa cookies. Warm up with some hot cocoa. Whatever floats your boat. Just be smart about it!
As for me, I’m more likely to go for red wine, cheese, and crackers than dessert, but I do love to have really high quality chocolate occasionally. I usually try to steal a bite of my kiddo’s molten lava cake when he’s not looking to keep my portions in check. ;)
Another great idea, if you’re a chocolate lover, is signing up to be a Godiva member. Now I know what you’re thinking--that sounds like nutritional suicide, right? But every single month, Godiva members get one free truffle. Just one. And it’s ridiculously delicious. Sometimes, all you need is that one super-flavorful bite, and membership programs like this one can be a great way to sate your sweet tooth without having to order a whole dessert.
What are some of your favorite treats? Let me know in the comments! Until next time, what I wish for you is to live a life you love without feeling hungry, deprived, or giving up your glass of wine (or slice of cake!) with dinner.