Embracing Life's "And" Moments

April 16, 2024

Embracing Life's

My week has been a bit of a rollercoaster, to say the least! 

First off, we had painters over at the start of the week, sprucing up a couple of rooms in the house. 

You can imagine the chaos—furniture shoved into the dining room and all of the other nooks and crannies, my gym equipment included! Yep, no workouts in my usual space this week, which definitely threw me off my game. 

Then, just when I thought things were settling down, we realized one of the rooms needed a floor refinish. Cue more furniture shuffling and another week of dining room clutter ahead. Talk about messing with my mojo!

To add to the fun, my knee has been acting up lately, prompting a visit to the orthopedist. Surprise, surprise—I walked out with a shiny new knee brace. It's all part of the process when you use your joints as much as I do, right? But accepting it hasn't been easy. I'll admit, there were some internal hissy fits involved.

But here's the thing—I'm all about adapting AND rolling with the punches. 

Sure, I had my moments of frustration, AND I also made a conscious effort to keep moving forward.

I stuck to my routine as best I could, met with my trainer, went for my walks, did what I could to stay on track AND I spent time being frustrated about the potential knee replacement that was NOT in my plans. Because here's the truth: life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. It's full of ups and downs, and it's okay to feel a little off-kilter sometimes. It's okay to be frustrated or disappointed, as long as you keep moving forward. That's the beauty of the word "and"—you can take the time to process your feelings AND still make progress.

So, if you're going through a rough patch or facing unexpected challenges, just remember: it's okay to have your "and" moments. Keep pushing forward, stay resilient, and don't forget to reach out if you need a helping hand.

And hey, if you want to chat about adding more "AND" into your life, I'm all ears! 

Until next time, keep living a life you love, filled with all the good stuff.