Embracing January: A Do NOW Guide to Recharge Your Body

December 20, 2023

Embracing January: A Do NOW Guide to Recharge Your Body

As we step into January, I can't help but think back to the chats we had in December about “How do you want to feel the Day After?”, meaning after all the festivities are done, do you want to feel good, great, or icky? 

Now, if you’ve let the festive vibes linger a bit too long, and you're feeling a bit meh about how you treated your body, let's take a moment to catch up and do a bit of self-reflection.

How's it going? Feeling fantastic? Or maybe in need of a little pick-me-up? No judgment here – we're all friends on this journey.

Now, some of you might be thinking, "Hey, my body's got this, no need for a major lifestyle overhaul." And that's cool, but before you give the healthier choices a rain check, let's hit pause and chat about why the way you've been treating yourself sets the stage for your second act in life.

Unlike the instant feedback of a hangover after a night of celebration, the consequences of our lifestyle choices take a bit more time to show up. Chronic inflammation, lurking at the cellular level, could pave the way for health hiccups down the road—think diabetes, a variety of autoimmune challenges, cancers, and digestive mis-adventures.

Absolutely, enjoy the pleasures of life. But here's the secret: balance. 

It's what turns enjoyment into an investment in your future self. Imagine dancing at your kiddo's wedding or playing on the floor with your grandkids. Those moments are the gems of life, and giving your body some love today increases the odds that you'll be able to make these memories tomorrow.

Now, if you're at the day after and not feeling your absolute best, fear not! Every meal, every minute, is a new chance to make positive choices. 

Forget waiting for tomorrow, Monday, or next month—start right this second!

How? Go back to basics. 

Incorporate a balance of protein, fat, and carbs into your next meal. Consider a brief hiatus from inflammatory triggers like gluten, dairy, soy, alcohol, caffeine, and grains. Once your nutrition is on the right track, and your energy is back, bring in some movement. Strengthen that body, increase those energy levels, and oh, don't forget about the importance of quality sleep.

Going back to basics doesn't mean jumping on the next fad diet. Quick fixes rarely lead to long-term victories. Instead, focus on choices that are beneficial for your overall health—sustainable and nourishing.

Have any questions or need a friendly nudge in the right direction? I'm here for you, please reach out. I also have an opening for one new workplace wellness group this quarter. If you know of any companies wanting to empower their employees to take charge of their health, ditch the dieting drama, and say YES to a life that's vibrant and fulfilling let me know.

As always, my wish for you is to live a life you love without being hungry, feeling deprived, or giving up the things that bring you joy.