Eliminate Vacation Bloat This Summer

July 9, 2022

Eliminate Vacation Bloat This Summer

Warm summer nights coupled with vacation time can be some of the best of the year, but you’re probably out of your usual routine. Maybe you’re going out to dinner more often, enjoying drinks by the pool, or indulging in a sweet dessert (or three), and you probably aren’t sticking to your usual food plan. That’s completely okay, and it might be just the break you need. 

The challenge is that at some point, you come back home, and you’ll probably find that you feel a little bloated, a little sluggish, and a little yucky all over. Of course you want to enjoy your hard earned vacation, but the puffy feeling is never fun. Thankfully, that feeling isn’t actually inevitable. 

Today, I want to talk about how you can eliminate and avoid the holiday bloat. 

  1. Plan smart supplementation for your journey.

One of my best tips for coming back from a long trip without feeling like I need days to recover from bloating is smart supplementation. If you find yourself on a vacation with too many food options that don’t serve your needs, try this. It enables you to stay on track when you want to, and also enjoy those meals that are off track. But on your own terms.

I pack single serving shake packets, so sometimes I bring my own meal with me. A scoop of protein powder and a blender bottle can create a healthy on-the-go meal that will keep you satisfied until you’re ready to eat again. That way, you’re never left searching through croissants at a hotel breakfast bar when you’re out of other options. 

  1. Balance out your meals.

To find healthy and enjoyable meals we focus on keeping our Protein, Fat, and Carb balance in check. When I visit New York, I love finding good pizza, a doughy pretzel with deli mustard, and a bagel, too; and you might be noticing a theme: these are all starchy carbs. Which are totally okay to include in my diet, so rather than removing the delicious carbs I love, I add stuff! I top my bagel with a light schmear of cream cheese and some lox which gives me the fat I need and some protein, too, but it isn’t really enough to give me a proper balance. 

I bring Kyani collagen packets along for my journey, so I can add those to my bagel sandwich and get the protein that my meal is missing, and my joints feel better as I’m walking through the city. I don’t have to restrict or feel like I’m on a diet because I’m enjoying all the foods I love, and also adding in protein to give me the balance I need. 

  1. Make sleep a priority. 

It’s sometimes a little tough to get quality sleep on vacation when you’re in a bed that’s not your own, but I bring my Sunset (Omegas + fat soluble vitamins) supplements, and that helps me get a better night’s sleep even though I’m not in my own bed. Prioritizing good sleep will help you stay rested enough to enjoy your vacation, and also return home without feeling like you need another vacation to recover from your journey.

The reality is that vacations are meant to be enjoyed. There may not be a perfect solution to indulging while you explore, but life is meant to be lived, so it’s worth it to do what you can to make your meals a little bit healthier while still enjoying the awesome food all around. 

Where are you vacationing this summer? Let me know in the comments!

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