Do You Plan Your Celebrations or Celebrate Your Plan?

October 17, 2022

Do You Plan Your Celebrations or Celebrate Your Plan?

This time of year, there’s so much to celebrate! Between holidays and special occasions, we could really keep the party going in my house from October through January. I recently had my 20th wedding anniversary, and we had a celebratory dinner that evening. People often ask me how I rearrange my day and my meals when I have special plans. The answer? I don’t! 

When I know a big dinner is coming, I don’t starve myself to spare calories, and I don’t add in any additional workouts. I have my usual plan, and I trust it, so I stick with it. 

We are not defined by what we do “sometimes.” Your health is the sum of your consistent decisions, day in and day out. 

So what decisions do I make every day that keep me on track? I eat a balance of proteins, fats, and carbs in every meal, starting within one hour of waking up and ending one hour before bed. I have a meal every 3-4 hours throughout the day. I use right-sized portions and pacing. I go for walks, always plan my workouts, and work with a trainer. I stay hydrated all day long. I take my favorite supplements consistently. I get plenty of sleep, and I try to keep my stress low (although that’s a little easier said than done!)

My health is really important to me, and these are all the things I do to ensure that I reach my health goals. So when a client asks me what they can do to counteract some celebration that’s on the horizon for them, my answer is never to eat lightly, or workout an extra hour, or have a salad at your dinner party instead of what you really want to order. 

The best coaching advice I can give to you is to remember that your night out on the town is not going to break you. Your health is made up of the decisions you make on a daily basis, not one celebratory meal. 

Of course, this isn’t your invitation to go out to eat for every meal between now and New Year’s. If you treat the entire holiday season as a celebration and abandon routine, you’re going to find it hard to stick to your goals. But as long as you’re sticking to a routine that works for you most of the time, the occasional celebration won’t hurt your progress. 

When it comes to your health, consistency is key. So when the opportunity to go out and celebrate comes up, I hope you take it and make the most of every minute!

If you want to enjoy a fun night without straying from your routine, I would love for you to join me for Perfect Pairings in December! Click here to buy your ticket for the December 2nd event, and you’ll unlock a special discount code for our February event!


What are you excited to celebrate in the coming months? Let me know in the comments!

And if you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with yummy discussion!