Ditching Diets for a Healthy Life

February 1, 2022

Ditching Diets for a Healthy Life

As you probably know, I am not a fan of diets. There are always lots of diet fads floating around, especially at this time of year, telling you to restrict what you eat and even when you eat it. I don’t believe in any of that–I believe in real health through delicious food that leaves you feeling satisfied. 

If you’re ready to ditch diets forever, you might be wondering what health tricks actually do work, so today, I want to talk about how you can get healthy without any gimmicks or fads. 

The root of getting healthy is following our Eat, Move, & Recharge™ system. If you eat well, spend plenty of time moving your body, and allow yourself time to recharge and practice self-care, you’ll notice so many improvements in your health. It might seem like a lot to tackle, but today, we’re going to talk about the first piece: eating well. 

The biggest change you can make in what you eat is making sure that each meal includes a balance of proteins, fats, and carbs. It might sound a little boring, like I’m asking you to eat grilled chicken and broccoli every day, but the options are actually unlimited! 

I eat plenty of small meals throughout the day to stay satisfied and keep my blood sugar stable, and I usually have the same dish as a mid-morning meal each day because it’s so packed with flavors. It’s a yogurt parfait with granola and antioxidant rich berries, and it’s so delicious, fresh, and filling. If I can’t find fresh fruit in my supermarket, I add a yummy berry antioxidant gel pack so that I’m still getting the nutrition my body needs. 

This dish is great for my body, full of micronutrients, an awesome blend of protein, fat, and carbs, and it’s so delicious!

Getting back to the basics of building healthy meals really is as simple as choosing a protein, a fat, and a carb. In my yogurt dish, I get my protein and my fat from the yogurt, but I could also add a scoop of my favorite vanilla shake, Kyani’s Origin to up the nutritional value even more. My carbs come from the berries and the granola, and I love enjoying the fresh flavors. 

There are so many ways to mix and match ingredients to create a delicious and nutritious meal, and it’s fun to play around in the kitchen until you find what works for you!

If you want a little structure in your meals and help finding the perfect PFC balance, join in for our 21-Day Reset challenge! Drop a comment below, and I can answer any questions and help you get started. 

What’s your favorite breakfast dish? Let me know in the comments!

If you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with great discussion!