Defining Self-Care

May 27, 2022

Defining Self-Care

A little more often than I would like, spending time outside in Massachusetts means donning a hat, and gloves, and a nice warm coat. I’m SO grateful that warmer weather has finally made it up to Boston, and with summer right around the corner, I’m trying to spend as much time outside as possible. 

Spending time outdoors helps me keep a clear head, and my day never really feels complete without going for a walk. While it may not be a mani-pedi, or a facial, or a night in watching Netflix, the time I spend outside is one way I practice self-care. 

Today, I want to share three self-care ideas that you may not have considered trying out before. 

  1. Get outside and enjoy the fresh air. 

Whether I’m walking with a friend or enjoying some me-time, going for a walk clears my mind of its cobwebs. Something about moving my feet really gets my thoughts flowing, as well, so going out and about around my neighborhood can help me work through anything I really need time to think about. 

  1. Take yourself on a date. 

I'm a bit of a lazy cook, so sometimes, there’s nothing better than sitting with a book and enjoying great food that someone else has prepared. It can be a little daunting to head to a restaurant solo (though I have really grown to enjoy it!), but taking yourself out means that you can do things your way and enjoy peace, quiet, and delicious food that you don’t have to spend time making yourself. Choose confidence and be willing to step outside of your comfort zone; you may just find it’s a lot more comfortable than you thought!

  1. Look for ways to take care of yourself. 

We all think of spa days and mani-pedis as self-care, but the truth is that self-care can be just about anything we need it to be. I encourage you to put on your thinking cap and really consider what your body needs that you can give it. Recently, I practiced self-care by going for a visit to my chiropractor, and after getting adjusted, I feel so much more balanced. It’s not a massage or a pedicure, but it’s physical care that brings me balance and wellness. 

If you would like to practice self-care by joining me for a 21-Day Reset, we start our next group June 13th, and I would love to have you on board! Leave me a comment below, and I can get you all the details. 

What unique way will you be practicing self-care this week? Let me know in the comments!

If you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with great discussion!