When Is It Okay to Cry Uncle?

June 18, 2024

When Is It Okay to Cry Uncle?

We all have those moments when we wonder, "Is it okay to just stop pushing through?" 

For me, the past week and a half in India has been a whirlwind of sightseeing, meetings, and a seemingly endless string of delicious Indian buffets. As much as I’ve enjoyed the adventure, I’m ready to go home. I miss my bed, my local fresh fruits and vegetables, and the comforts of home.

But I’m not cutting my trip short or throwing in the towel. Instead, I want to talk about when it's okay to acknowledge that we need a break, especially in our daily lives and personal journeys.

The All or Nothing Mentality

When you embark on a new lifestyle, like getting healthy or creating a gym habit, it’s easy to feel like a failure if you can’t do it all at once. But here's the thing: it’s perfectly okay to not be able to do everything right from the start. Change takes time, and it often requires multiple attempts. This is where the 1 percent rule comes in—making small, incremental improvements each day. Before you know it, you’ll be so much further along than when you started.

Being Honest with Yourself

Sometimes, you’ll try a new activity or habit and realize it’s not for you. And that’s okay, too. What’s important is being honest with yourself. If you truly feel something isn’t right for you, it’s fine to take a break or move on to something else.

Just don’t freeze in inactivity—find another activity or way to relax that suits you better.

For example, one night in India, I was supposed to meet some folks this evening, but it’s been a long day and I’m tired. So, I called it an early night, sat down with a good book, and got ready for my flight in the morning. This is my way of acknowledging my limits and taking care of myself.

Cherish the New and the Familiar

As I prepared to head back to Boston, I reflected on how much I loved stepping out of my routine—trying new foods, flavors, and spices. It was fantastic, and I cherished these new experiences. At the same time, I also cherish the familiar aspects of my life, like my healthy habits and my local produce.

So, be honest with yourself about when it makes sense to add something new to your life and when it’s time to let something go. It’s all part of living a balanced, fulfilling life.

Share Your Journey

I'm always curious about the new things you’re trying and what you’ve decided to let go of. What new stuff are you exploring, and what are you letting go of that doesn’t suit you anymore?

That’s it from me for this week as I reflected on my trip to India. Next time you hear from me, I’ll be back in my Boston groove, back at my desk, and back to my routine. 

As always, I hope you live a life you love without being hungry, feeling deprived, or giving up the things that bring you joy.