Creating a New Routine During Shifting Seasons

September 18, 2022

Creating a New Routine During Shifting Seasons

All around us, things are starting to shift: kids are going back to school, the weather is beginning to cool, and even the trees are starting to change. Every year after Labor Day, our world starts to shift a little bit, and you might even feel a little discomfort about getting into a new routine. 

The great news is that our routines don’t have to feel like a jail we’re confined to that dictates our every hour. Routines can be our friend and can help make our journey so much easier. 

Today, I’m sharing my tips for creating a fall routine that’s helpful and never confining. 

  1. Create a calendar for your commitments. 

You know those super cute themed calendars and planners you see from time to time in stores? Next time you’re out, grab one for yourself! The trick to using a calendar is to actually use it, so take a few minutes to jot down your commitments for the next couple of months. Anything non-negotiable should go first, like work commitments or picking your kids up from school. Next, add on your self-care time. I know that I like to go for a walk every day, or else I feel a little out of sorts, so I add my walk into my calendar and always stick to that commitment to myself. 

  1. Don’t be afraid to be flexible. 

Creating a calendar that works means understanding that things pop up, and not every part of your calendar can be written in stone. Sometimes, the school bus may not show up, or you may wake up feeling sick, or the weather may not cooperate. Real life doesn’t always stick to our schedule, so instead of trying to fight that, we need to learn to embrace it and work with it. 

If I do have to change my self-care time, I move it to a different slot rather than simply skipping it for the day. Learning to prioritize yourself is essential to keeping a sense of balance in your life. 


As we shift to a new season, it’s a given that our routines won’t stay the same, and not everything is within our power to change. What is in our power, however, is how we choose to respond when life switches things up on us, and being prepared to adjust is our first line of defense. 


Need help creating a fall routine that works for you? Let me know in the comments–I would love to help you out!


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